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UIConnectionInfoUtil Class

Represents the utility functions for working with UIConnectionInfo objects.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConnectionDlg
Assembly:  ConnectionDlg (in ConnectionDlg.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class UIConnectionInfoUtil
Dim instance As UIConnectionInfoUtil
public sealed class UIConnectionInfoUtil
public ref class UIConnectionInfoUtil sealed
type UIConnectionInfoUtil =  class end
public final class UIConnectionInfoUtil

The UIConnectionInfoUtil type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method UIConnectionInfoUtil Initializes a new instance of the UIConnectionInfoUtil class.



  Name Description
Public propertyStatic member ProtocolNamesMap Represents a collection of key protocol values that are organized based on the hash code of the key.



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member FillInRegisteredServerFromConnectionInfo Retrieves the registered server settings from the connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetAdditionalParams Returns the additional parameters for the given connection.
Public methodStatic member GetConnectionProtocol(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Returns a SqlManagement Core NetworkProtocol object indicating the connection protocol from the first connection information in the list.
Public methodStatic member GetConnectionProtocol(UIConnectionInfo) Returns a SqlManagement Core NetworkProtocol object indicating the connection protocol that has the specified connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetConnectionProtocol(String) Returns a SqlManagement Core NetworkProtocol object indicating the connection protocol that has the specified protocol name.
Public methodStatic member GetConnectionTimeout(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Retrieves the connection timeout for a UIConnectionInfo object from the first connection info in the list with the specified list of connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetConnectionTimeout(UIConnectionInfo) Retrieves the connection timeout for a UIConnection object with the specified connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetCoreConnectionInfo(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Retrieves the enumerator style connection objects out of the specified UIConnectionInfo objects with the specified list of connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetCoreConnectionInfo(UIConnectionInfo) Retrieves the enumerator style connection object out of the specified UIConnectionInfo object with the specified source parameter.
Public methodStatic member GetCoreConnectionInfo(UIConnectionGroupInfo, Boolean) Retrieves the enumerator style connection object out of the specified UIConnectionInfo object from the first connection information in the list with the specified database parameter.
Public methodStatic member GetCoreConnectionInfo(UIConnectionInfo, Boolean) Retrieves the enumerator style connection object out of the specified UIConnectionInfo object with the specified source and database.
Public methodStatic member GetCoreConnectionType(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Retrieves the enumerator connection type that corresponds to the given UIConnectionInfo structure from the first connection information in the list.
Public methodStatic member GetCoreConnectionType(UIConnectionInfo) Retrieves enumerator connection type that corresponds to the given UIConnectionInfo structure.
Public methodStatic member GetCustomConnectionColor Retrieves the custom connection color with the specified connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetDatabaseName(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Retrieves the database name from the connection object with the specified connection information list.
Public methodStatic member GetDatabaseName(UIConnectionInfo) Retrieves the database name from the connection object with specified connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetEncryptConnection(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Returns whether the Encrypt connection option is specified from the first connection information list.
Public methodStatic member GetEncryptConnection(UIConnectionInfo) Returns whether the Encrypt connection option is specified or not with specified connection information.
Public methodStatic member GetExecutionTimeout(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Retrieves the execution timeout from the connection info from the specified connection information list.
Public methodStatic member GetExecutionTimeout(UIConnectionInfo) Retrieves the execution timeout from the connection information.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetPacketSize(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Returns packet size for SQL connection with the specified connection information list.
Public methodStatic member GetPacketSize(UIConnectionInfo) Returns packet size for SQL connection info encapsulated by UIConnectionInfo.
Public methodStatic member GetServerType(ServerType) Determines the type of server to get from UIConnectionInfo.
Public methodStatic member GetServerType(UIConnectionInfo) Determines the type of server to get from the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member GetServerType(Guid) Specifies the type of server to get from the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetUIConnectionInfoFromConnectionString Indicates the connection info to get from the specified connection string.
Public methodStatic member GetUseCustomConnectionColor Specifies the custom color to use for the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member GetYukonUIConnectionInfoFromRegisteredServer Indicates the YukonUIConnectionInfo settings to get from the registered server.
Public methodStatic member IsWindowsAuthentication(UIConnectionGroupInfo) Determines if the UIConnectionInfo object uses Windows Authentication with the specified connection info list parameter.
Public methodStatic member IsWindowsAuthentication(UIConnectionInfo) Determines if the UIConnectionInfo object uses Windows Authentication with the specified connection information.
Public methodStatic member NewConnectionFromQEEvent(Object, UIConnectionGroupInfo) Executes the NewConnectionFromQE event if somebody has subscribed to it with the specified sender and connection information list.
Public methodStatic member NewConnectionFromQEEvent(Object, UIConnectionInfo) Executes the NewConnectionFromQE event if somebody has subscribed to it with the sender and connection information.
Public methodStatic member SetAdditionalParams Sets the additional parameters for the given connection.
Public methodStatic member SetConnectionProtocol(UIConnectionGroupInfo, NetworkProtocol) Specifies the connection protocol for all connection information in the list with the specified protocol parameter.
Public methodStatic member SetConnectionProtocol(UIConnectionInfo, NetworkProtocol) Specifies the connection protocol for all connection information with the specified connection information and protocol parameter.
Public methodStatic member SetConnectionProtocol(UIConnectionInfo, String) Initiates the connection protocol settings.
Public methodStatic member SetConnectionTimeout(UIConnectionGroupInfo, Int32) Specifies the connection timeout value for a given UIConnectionInfo object with the specified connection information list and timeout parameter.
Public methodStatic member SetConnectionTimeout(UIConnectionInfo, Int32) Specifies the connection timeout value for a given UIConnectionInfo object with the specified with the specified connection information and timeout parameter.
Public methodStatic member SetCustomConnectionColor Stores CustomConnectionColor option in the specified UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetDatabaseName(UIConnectionGroupInfo, String) Specifies the database name for all elements in the list of the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetDatabaseName(UIConnectionInfo, String) Specifies the database name for the passed UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetEncryptConnection(UIConnectionGroupInfo, Boolean) Stores the encrypt connection option in the specified UIConnectionInfo object with the specified connection information in the list and encryption value.
Public methodStatic member SetEncryptConnection(UIConnectionInfo, Boolean) Stores the Encrypt connection option in the specified UIConnectionInfo object that has the specified connection information and encryption value.
Public methodStatic member SetExecutionTimeout(UIConnectionGroupInfo, Int32) Specifies the execution timeout value for all elements in the list of the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetExecutionTimeout(UIConnectionInfo, Int32) Specifies the execution timeout value for the given UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetPacketSize(UIConnectionGroupInfo, Int32) Specifies packet size for all elements in the list of the UIConnectionInfo object with the specified size parameter.
Public methodStatic member SetPacketSize(UIConnectionInfo, Int32) Specifies packet size for SQL connection info encapsulated by the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetUseCustomConnectionColor Stores the UseCustomConnectionColor option in the specified UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetWindowsAuthentication(UIConnectionGroupInfo, Boolean) Specifies whether to use Windows Authentication for all elements in the list of the UIConnectionInfo object.
Public methodStatic member SetWindowsAuthentication(UIConnectionInfo, Boolean) Specifies the UIConnectionInfo object to use Windows Authentication if enable.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)



  Name Description
Public eventStatic member NewConnectionFromQE Occurs when the prototype of NewConnectionFromQE event that will be fired by QE part of SQL workbench when it establishes a new connection.


Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also


Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.ConnectionDlg Namespace