Run a Package using DtExec or DtExecUI
To run an Integration Services package, you can use one of several tools.
To run a package that is stored on the Integration Services server, you can use the Execute Package dialog box in SQL Server Management Studio. For more information, see Execute Package Dialog Box.
To run a package on demand, you can use one of the following utilities:
dtexec command prompt utility (dtexec.exe)
Execute Package Utility (dtexecui.exe)
This topic describes how to use each of these utilities to run a package. Currently, it is not possible to run a package that is stored on the Integration Services server by using these utilities.
To schedule a package, you can use a SQL Server Agent job. For more information, see Schedule a Package by using SQL Server Agent. Currently it is not possible to schedule a package that is stored on the Integration Services server by using a job step of type SQL Server Integration Services. However, you can use a job step of type, Transact-SQL script (T-SQL), to call the stored procedure, catalog.start_package (Integration Services Database).
At design time, you can run a package in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT). For more information, see Run a Package in SQL Server Data Tools.
For a table that summarizes the tools that can currently be used to run Integration Services packages, depending on where those packages are stored, see Execution of Projects and Packages.
Using dtexec to Run a Package
You can use the dtexec utility to run packages that are stored in the file system, in an instance of SQL Server, or in the Integration Services Package Store. For information about the options that can be used in a dtexec command line, and some sample command lines, see dtexec Utility Reference.
On a 64-bit computer, Integration Services installs a 64-bit version of the dtexec utility. If you have to run certain packages in 32-bit mode, you will have to install the 32-bit version of the dtexec utility. To install the 32-bit version of the dtexec utility, you must select either Client Tools or SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) during setup.
To run a package by using the dtexec utility
At the command prompt, type dtexec / followed by the DTS, SQL, or File option and the package path. Make sure to include the package file name in the package path.
If the package encryption level is EncryptSensitiveWithPassword or EncryptAllWithPassword, use the Decrypt option to provide the password. If you do not inlude a password, dtexec will prompt you for the password.
(Optional) Enter additional command-line options.
Press the ENTER key.
(Optional) View logging and reporting information before closing the Command Prompt window.
Using the Execute Package Utility to Run a Package
You can also use the Execute Package Utility (dtexecui.exe) to run a package immediately, or to create a command line for later use. The Execute Package Utility creates a command line for the dtexec utility that you can use in the following ways:
Copy to a file and use with the CommandFile option of the dtexec utility.
Paste directly into the Command Prompt window when you use the dtexec utility to run a package.
The Execute Package Utility is available only in a 32-bit version. On a 64-bit computer, any commands that the Execute Package Utility creates should also be tested in 64-bit mode before you deploy or schedule them on a production server. To test these commands in 64-bit mode, use the 64-bit version of the dtexec utility.
To run a package by using the Execute Package Utility
In Management Studio, on the View menu, click Object Explorer.
In Object Explorer, click Connect, and then click Integration Services.
Expand the Stored Packages folder and its subfolders to locate the package to run, right-click the package, and then click Run Package.
(Optional) In the Execute Package Utility dialog box, perform one or more of the following tasks:
Specify a different package to run.
Click Configurations, Command Files, Connection Managers, Execution Options, Reporting, Logging, Set Values, or Verification to update run-time options.
Click Command Line to review the command line that the utility has created.
Click Execute.
(Optional) To stop the running package, click Stop in the Package Execution Progress dialog box.
When the package finishes, click Close to exit the Package Execution Progress dialog box.