Create an Analysis Services Job Step
This topic describes how to create and define SQL Server Agent job steps in SQL Server 2012 that execute SQL Server Analysis Services commands and queries by using SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL or SQL Server Management Objects.
Before you begin:
Limitations and Restrictions
To create a SQL Server job steps using Analysis Services commands and/or queries, with:
SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server Management Objects
Before You Begin
Limitations and Restrictions
If the job step uses an Analysis Services command, the command statement must be an XML for Analysis Services Execute method. The statement may not contain a complete Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) envelope or an XML for Analysis Discover method. While SQL Server Management Studio supports complete SOAP envelopes and the Discover method, SQL Server Agent job steps do not. For more information about XML for Analysis Services, see XML for Analysis Overview (XMLA).
If the job step uses an Analysis Services query, the query statement must be a multidimensional expressions (MDX) query. For more information about MDX, see MDX Query Fundamentals (Analysis Services).
To run a job step that uses the Analysis Services subsystem, a user must be a member of the sysadmin fixed server role or have access to a valid proxy account defined to use this subsystem. In addition, the SQL Server Agent service account or the proxy must be an Analysis Services administrator and a valid Windows domain account.
Only members of the sysadmin fixed server role can write job step output to a file. If the job step is run by users who are members of the SQLAgentUserRole database role in the msdb database, then the output can be written only to a table. SQL Server Agent writes job step output to the sysjobstepslog table in the msdb database.
For detailed information, see Implement SQL Server Agent Security.
Using SQL Server Management Studio
To create an Analysis Services command job step
In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
Expand SQL Server Agent, create a new job or right-click an existing job, and then click Properties. For more information on creating a job, see Create Jobs.
In the Job Properties dialog box, click the Steps page, and then click New.
In the New Job Step dialog box, type a job Step name.
In the Type list, click SQL Server Analysis Services Command.
In the Run as list, select a proxy that has been defined to use the Analysis Services Command subsystem. A user who is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role can also select SQL Agent Service Account to run this job step.
Select the Server where the job step will run, or type the server name.
In the Command box, type the statement to execute, or click Open to select a statement.
Click the Advanced page to define options for this job step, such as what action SQL Server Agent should take if the job step succeeds or fails, how many times the job step should be attempted, and where the job step output should be written.
To create an Analysis Services query job step
In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
Expand SQL Server Agent, create a new job or right-click an existing job, and then click Properties. For more information on creating a job, see Create Jobs.
In the Job Properties dialog, click the Steps page, and then click New.
In the New Job Step dialog, type a job Step name.
In the Type list, click SQL Server Analysis Services Query.
In the Run as list, select a proxy that has been defined to use the Analysis Services Query subsystem. A user who is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role can also select SQL Agent Service Account to run this job step.
Select the Server and the Database where the job step will run, or type the server or database name.
In the Command box, type the statement to execute, or click Open to select a statement.
Click the Advanced page to define options for this job step, such as what action SQL Server Agent should take if the job step succeeds or fails, how many times the job step should be attempted, and where the job step output should be written.
Using Transact-SQL
To create an Analysis Services command job step
In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine.
On the Standard bar, click New Query.
Copy and paste the following example into the query window and click Execute.
-- Creates a job step that uses XMLA to create a relational data source that references the AdventureWorks2012 Microsoft SQL Server database USE msdb; GO EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'Weekly Sales Data Backup', @step_name = N'Create a relational data source that references the AdventureWorks2012 Microsoft SQL Server database ', @subsystem = N'ANALYSISCOMMAND', @command = N' <Create xmlns=""> <ParentObject> <DatabaseID>AdventureWorks2012</DatabaseID> </ParentObject> <ObjectDefinition> <DataSource xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="RelationalDataSource"> <ID>AdventureWorks2012</ID> <Name>Adventure Works 2012</Name> <ConnectionString>Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks2012;Integrated Security=True</ConnectionString> <ImpersonationInfo> <ImpersonationMode>ImpersonateServiceAccount</ImpersonationMode> </ImpersonationInfo> <ManagedProvider>System.Data.SqlClient</ManagedProvider> <Timeout>PT0S</Timeout> </DataSource> </ObjectDefinition> </Create>', ; GO
For more information, see sp_add_jobstep (Transact-SQL).
To create an Analysis Services query job step
In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of Database Engine.
On the Standard bar, click New Query.
Copy and paste the following example into the query window and click Execute.
-- Creates a job step that uses MDX to return data USE msdb; GO EXEC sp_add_jobstep @job_name = N'Weekly Sales Data Backup', @step_name = N'Returns the Internet sales amount by state', @subsystem = N'ANALYSISQUERY', @command = N' SELECT [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] ON COLUMNS, [Customer].[State-Province].Members ON ROWS FROM [AdventureWorks2012]', @retry_attempts = 5, @retry_interval = 5 ; GO
For more information, see sp_add_jobstep (Transact-SQL).
Using SQL Server Management Objects
To create a PowerShell Script job step
Use the JobStep class by using a programming language that you choose, such as XMLA or MDX. For more information, see SQL Server Management Objects (SMO).