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Select how to define the connection (Data Source Wizard) (Analysis Services)

Use the Select how to define the connection page to create or select the data connection for a data source.


  • Create a data source based on an existing or new connection
    Select this option to use an existing connection string or to create a new connection string for the data source object.

  • Data connections
    Select an existing data connection from this list.

  • Data connection properties
    Displays the connection property settings for the data connection you selected under Data connections.

  • New...
    Click to create a new data source by using the Connection Manager dialog box.

  • Delete
    Choose this option to delete an existing data source.

  • Create a data source based on another object
    Choose this option to base the new data source on an existing data source object or on an existing project.

See Also


Data Source Wizard F1 Help (Analysis Services)


Data Sources in Multidimensional Models

Supported Data Sources (SSAS - Multidimensional Models)

Other Resources

Connection Manager Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)