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Database Properties (Transaction Log Shipping Page)

Use this page to configure and modify the properties of log shipping for a database.

For an explanation of log shipping concepts, see About Log Shipping (SQL Server).


  • Enable this as a primary database in a log shipping configuration
    Enables this database as a log shipping primary database. Select it and then configure the remaining options on this page. If you clear this check box, the log shipping configuration will be dropped for this database.

  • Backup Settings
    Click Backup Settings to configure backup schedule, location, alert, and archiving parameters.

  • Backup schedule
    Shows the currently selected backup schedule for the primary database. Click Backup Settings to modify these settings.

  • Last backup created
    Indicates the time and date of the last transaction log backup of the primary database.

  • Secondary server instances and databases
    Lists the currently configured secondary servers and databases for this primary database. Highlight a database, and then click ... to modify the parameters associated with that secondary database.

  • Add
    Click Add to add a secondary database to the log shipping configuration for this primary database.

  • Remove
    Removes a selected database from this log shipping configuration. Select the database first and then click Remove.

  • Use a monitor server instance
    Sets up a monitor server instance for this log shipping configuration. Select the Use a monitor server instance check box and then click Settings to specify the monitor server instance.

  • Monitor server instance
    Indicates the currently configured monitor server instance for this log shipping configuration.

  • Settings
    Configures the monitor server instance for a log shipping configuration. Click Settings to configure this monitor server instance.

  • Script Configuration
    Generates a script for configuring log shipping with the parameters you have selected. Click Script Configuration, and then choose an output destination for the script.


    Before scripting settings for a secondary database, you must invoke the Secondary Database Settings dialog box. Invoking this dialog box connects you to the secondary server and retrieves the current settings of the secondary database that are needed to generate the script.

See Also


Log Shipping Stored Procedures (Transact-SQL)

Other Resources

Log Shipping Tables (Transact-SQL)