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sys.dm_db_xtp_merge_requests (Transact-SQL)


THIS TOPIC APPLIES TO:yesSQL Server (starting with 2014)noAzure SQL DatabasenoAzure SQL Data Warehouse noParallel Data Warehouse

Tracks database merge requests. The merge request may have been generated by SQL Server or the request could have been made by a user with sys.sp_xtp_merge_checkpoint_files (Transact-SQL).

Column name Data type Description
request_state tinyint Status of the merge request:

0 = requested

1 = pending

2= installed

3 = abandoned
request_state_desc nvarchar(60) The current state of the request:

 Requested means that a merge request exists.

 Pending means that the merge is being processing.

 Installed means that the merge is complete.

 Abandoned means that the merge could not complete, perhaps due to lack of storage.
destination_file_id GUID The unique identifier of the destination file for the merge of the Source files.
lower_bound_tsn bigint The minimum timestamp for the target merge file. The lowest transaction timestamp of all the source files to be merged.
upper_bound_tsn bigint The maximum timestamp for the target merge file. The highest transaction timestamp of all the source files to be merged.
collection_tsn bigint The timestamp at which the current row can be collected.

A row in the Installed state is removed when checkpoint_tsn is greater than collection_tsn.

A row in the Abandoned state is removed when checkpoint_tsn is less than collection_tsn.
checkpoint_tsn bigint The time that the checkpoint started.

Any deletes done by transactions with a timestamp lower than this are accounted for in the new data file. The remaining deletes are moved to the target delta file.
sourcenumber_file_id GUID Up to 16 internal file ids that uniquely identify the source files in the merge.


Requires VIEW DATABASE STATE permission on the current database.

See Also

Memory-Optimized Table Dynamic Management Views (Transact-SQL)