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Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.UnitTesting.Conditions Namespace


The Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.UnitTesting.Conditions namespace provides classes that you can use to create and manage test conditions. By defining a custom test condition, you can verify the behavior of a database object in ways that the built-in conditions do not support.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass ChecksumCondition

Defines a test condition that verifies the checksum of the result set in a database unit test.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataSetTestCondition

The base class for test conditions that operate on a DataSet and are configured by the user during test "design time". These conditions are configured by querying the database for the expected results of the test.

System_CAPS_pubclass EmptyResultSetCondition

Represents a condition where the SqlExecutionResult.DataSet property must be empty.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExecutionTimeCondition

Represents a test condition that specifies the maximum amount of time that the test's Transact-SQL statements can take to execute before the test fails.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExpectedSchemaCondition

Specifies that the result set of a database unit test must match a specific schema.

System_CAPS_pubclass ExportTestConditionAttribute

Concrete classes implementing TestCondition must add the ExportTestConditionAttribute attribute to their class definition. This ensures they will be detected and added to the set of available test conditions in the SQL Server Unit Test Designer.

System_CAPS_pubclass InconclusiveCondition

Represents a default condition where nothing is required or expected of a test result.

System_CAPS_pubclass NotEmptyResultSetCondition

Represents a condition where the SqlExecutionResult.DataSet property must not be empty.

System_CAPS_pubclass ResultSetCondition

Represents the base class for all test conditions that operate on one ResultSet.

System_CAPS_pubclass RowCountCondition

Defines a test condition that verifies the number of rows in the ResultSet that is returned by a database unit test.

System_CAPS_pubclass ScalarValueCondition

Verifies that a particular value in a specific row and column was expected.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestCondition

The base class for all test conditions that are used by generated code.

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