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Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.ManagementService Namespace

Exposes The APIs used to expose the Web service methods.


  Class Description
Public class CancelCheckpointRequest Describes a request to cancel the checkpointing of a resource.
Public class ChangeQueryStateRequest Contains request information for a ChangeQueryState operation.
Public class ChangeQueryStateResponse Contains the response for a ChangeQueryState operation.
Public class CheckpointRequest Describes a request to checkpoint a resource.
Public class CheckpointResponse Describes a result of a request to checkpoint a resource.
Public class ClearDiagnosticSettingsNotSupportedFault Represents a SOAP fault message that is generated when clearing the diagnostic settings is not supported for a specific name.
Public class ClearDiagnosticSettingsRequest Represents a request message for the ClearDiagnosticSettings Web service call.
Public class CreateRequest Encapsulates the parameters for a Create operation.
Public class CreateRequestBody Represents the body elements of a Create request.
Public class CreateResponse Encapsulates the response information for a Create operation.
Public class DeleteRequest Contains information about a Delete operation request.
Public class DeleteResponse Contains information about the response to a Delete operation request.
Public class EnumerateRequest Contains the properties needed to call the Enumerate function.
Public class EnumerateResponse Contains the response information for an Enumerate method call.
Public class GetDiagnosticSettingsNotSupportedFault Represents a SOAP fault message that is generated when getting the diagnostic settings is not supported for a specific name.
Public class GetDiagnosticSettingsRequest Represents a request message for the GetDiagnosticSettings Web service call.
Public class GetDiagnosticSettingsResponse Represents a response message for the GetDiagnosticSettings Web service call.
Public class GetDiagnosticViewNotSupportedFault Represents a SOAP fault message that is generated when getting the diagnostic view is not supported for a specific name.
Public class GetDiagnosticViewRequest Represents a request message for the GetDiagnosticView Web service call.
Public class GetDiagnosticViewResponse Represents a response message for the GetDiagnosticView Web service call.
Public class GetRequest Contains the request for a Get call.
Public class GetResponse Contains the response to the Get call request.
Public class GetResponseBody Represents the body elements of a Get request.
Public class InvalidDefinitionFault Represents an invalid definition fault.
Public class InvalidNameFault Represents a fault that occurs when an invalid name is detected.
Public class ManagementFault Represents a fault that occurs due to a generic failure in the management service.
Public class RuntimeFault Represents a fault that occurs due to a generic failure in the runtime.
Public class ServerDiagnosticView Represents a diagnostic view for a single engine object as a container of name-value pairs.
Public class SetDiagnosticSettingsNotSupportedFault Represents a SOAP fault message that is generated when setting the diagnostic settings is not supported for a specific name.
Public class SetDiagnosticSettingsRequest Represents a request message for the SetDiagnosticSettings Web service call.


  Interface Description
Public interface IManagementService The IManagementService interface defines methods and properties that are used to control the management functions of the Complex Event Processing engine.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration ManagementServiceDiagnosticAspects Specifies the different diagnostic aspects that can be turned on or off separately.
Public enumeration ManagementServiceDiagnosticLevel Specifies the verbosity level for the diagnostic aspects.
Public enumeration QueryState Enumerates a list of possible query states.