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CepStream<TPayload> Methods


Namespace:   Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Application, String, Type, Object, EventShape)

Creates a bound stream from a given input adapter factory.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Application, String, Type, Object, EventShape, AdvanceTimeSettings)

Creates a bound stream from a given input adapter factory.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Application, Uri, EventShape)

Creates a bound stream over an input from a given published stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Application, Uri, EventShape, AdvanceTimeSettings)

Creates a bound stream for input from a given published stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(String)

Creates an unbound stream with event payload of type 'TPayload'.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(String, Type, Object, EventShape)

Creates a bound stream from a given input adapter factory.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(String, Type, Object, EventShape, AdvanceTimeSettings)

Creates a bound stream from a given input adapter factory.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Uri, EventShape)

Creates a bound stream over an input from a given published stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethodSystem_CAPS_static Create(Uri, EventShape, AdvanceTimeSettings)

Creates a bound stream for input from a given published stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(Object)

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ExtractInputStreams()

Retrieves a list with information about input streams from a given stream definition.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetHashCode()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetType()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPublishedStreamQuery(Uri, Application, String, String, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)

Creates a query with an output bound to an explicitly named published stream. The output of the query can be consumed through dynamic query composition. Only one query can produce events for a published stream at any given time.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPublishedStreamQuery(Uri, String, String, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)

Creates a query with an output bound to an explicitly named published stream. The output of the query can be consumed through dynamic query composition. Only one query can produce events for a published stream at any given time.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToQuery(Application, String, String, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)

Creates a query from the stream with an unbound output running in the specified application. All inputs to the query must be bound to adapters, sequences or other queries. The output of the query can be consumed through dynamic query composition only.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToQuery(Application, String, String, Type, Object, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)

Creates a query from the stream bound to an output adapter running in the specified application. The output adapter is specified by the type of the adapter factory and the configuration object.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToQuery(Application, String, String, Type, Object, EventShape, StreamEventOrder, Boolean)

Creates a query from the stream bound to an output adapter running in the specified application. The output adapter is specified by the type of the adapter factory and the configuration object. The query can be specified to be resilient.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToQuery(String, String, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)

Creates a query from the stream with an unbound output. All inputs to the query must be bound to adapters, sequences or other queries. The output of the query can be consumed through dynamic query composition only. The application this query will run in is implied by the definition of the stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToQuery(String, String, Type, Object, EventShape, StreamEventOrder)

Creates a query from the stream bound to an output adapter. The output adapter is specified by the type of the adapter factory and the configuration object. The application this query will run in is implied by the definition of the stream.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToQuery(String, String, Type, Object, EventShape, StreamEventOrder, Boolean)

Creates a query from the stream bound to an output adapter. The output adapter is specified by the type of the adapter factory and the configuration object. The application this query will run in is implied by the definition of the stream. The query can be specified to be resilient.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToString()

(Inherited from Object.)

Extension Methods

Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod AlterEventDuration<TPayload>(Expression<Func<CepEvent<TPayload>, TimeSpan>>)

Changes the duration of the input events. This method does not change the start time of an event.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod AlterEventLifetime<TPayload>(Expression<Func<CepEvent, DateTime>>, Expression<Func<CepEvent<TPayload>, TimeSpan>>)

Alters the lifetime of the events in the stream. This method can change both the start time and end time of an event.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ClipEventDuration<TSource, TClip>(CepStream<TClip>, Expression<Func<TSource, TClip, Boolean>>)

Shortens the lifetime of events in sourceStream to the start time of the next corresponding event in clipStream, matched by matchExpression. (Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CountByStartTimeWindow<TPayload>(UInt32)

Overloaded. Groups input stream events into windows of events based on a given number of unique event start times using the default output policy. The window slides when a new event arrives that starts at a different time.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CountByStartTimeWindow<TPayload>(UInt32, CountWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Groups input stream events into windows of events based on a given number of unique event start times. The window slides when a new event arrives that starts at a different time.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod CountByStartTimeWindow<TPayload>(UInt32, WindowInputPolicy, CountWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Groups input stream events into windows of events based on a given number of unique event start times. The window slides when a new event arrives that starts at a different time.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GroupBy<TPayload, TGroupingKey>(Expression<Func<TPayload, TGroupingKey>>)

Overloaded. Partitions the input stream by the specified grouping key.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GroupBy<TPayload, TGroupingKey, TResult>(Expression<Func<TPayload, TGroupingKey>>, Expression<Func<TPayload, TResult>>)

Overloaded. Groups the source stream by the specified key selector functions and projects results using the element selector function.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, DateTime)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, DateTime, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, DateTime, WindowInputPolicy, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. The window is defined by constant window size and hop size timespans.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod HoppingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, TimeSpan, WindowInputPolicy, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod IsEmpty<TPayload>()

Performs a left anti-semi-join (LASJ) query on the specified stream.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Join<TOuter, TInner, TKey, TResult>(CepStream<TInner>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TInner, TKey>>, Expression<Func<TOuter, TInner, TResult>>)

Joins the events from the outer stream with events from the inner stream on the given join key.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Select<TPayload, TResult>(Expression<Func<TPayload, TResult>>)

Overloaded. Projects events from input stream using a projections expression.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod SelectMany<TInput, TBind, TResult>(Expression<Func<CepStream<TInput>, CepStream<TBind>>>, Expression<Func<TInput, TBind, TResult>>)

Overloaded. Produces a stream based on the cross join of two input streams. (Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ShiftEventTime<TPayload>(Expression<Func<CepEvent, DateTime>>)

Overloaded. Shift event times to the value specified by the shiftExpr parameter. The method does not change event life times. (Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ShiftEventTime<TPayload>(Expression<Func<CepEvent, TimeSpan>>)

Overloaded. Shift event times by the amount specified by the shiftExpr parameter. The value returned may be positive or negative. (Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod SnapshotWindow<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod SnapshotWindow<TPayload>(SnapshotWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod SnapshotWindow<TPayload>(WindowInputPolicy, SnapshotWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToEdgeEnumerable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of edge events to an event sink that implements the IEnumerable interface.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToEdgeEnumerable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of edge events to an event sink that implements the IEnumerable interface.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToEdgeObservable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of edge events to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface. The order of events is FullyOrdered.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToEdgeObservable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of edge events with the specified event order to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToEnumerable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a stream of events to enumerable output by removing event headers and discarding CTI events.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToEnumerable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a stream of events to enumerable output with the specified event order by removing event headers and discarding CTI events.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToIntervalEnumerable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of interval events to an event sink that implements the IEnumerable interface. The order of events is FullyOrdered.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToIntervalEnumerable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of interval events with the specified event order to an event sink that implements the IEnumerable interface.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToIntervalObservable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of interval events to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface. The order of events is FullyOrdered.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToIntervalObservable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of interval events with the specified event order to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToObservable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a stream of events to observable output by removing event headers and discarding CTI events.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToObservable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a stream of events to observable output with the specified event order by removing event headers and discarding CTI events.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPointEnumerable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of point events to an event sink that implements the IEnumerable interface. The order of events is FullyOrdered.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPointEnumerable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of point events with the specified event order to an event sink that implements the IEnumerable interface.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPointEventStream<TPayload>()

Changes the events in an input stream to point events by keeping only the event start times.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPointObservable<TPayload>()

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of point events to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface. The order of events is FullyOrdered.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToPointObservable<TPayload>(StreamEventOrder)

Overloaded. Converts a CepStream of point events with the specified event order to an event sink that implements the IObservable interface.(Defined by ObservableCepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, DateTime)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow using the default output policy.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, DateTime, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, DateTime, WindowInputPolicy, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod TumblingWindow<TPayload>(TimeSpan, WindowInputPolicy, HoppingWindowOutputPolicy)

Overloaded. Transforms a stream to a window stream where each member is a CepWindow.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Union<TPayload>(CepStream<TPayload>)

Unions two streams together into one stream.(Defined by CepStream.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Where<TPayload>(Expression<Func<TPayload, Boolean>>)

Overloaded. Filters events from an input stream using a given filter function.(Defined by CepStream.)

See Also

CepStream<TPayload> Class
Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.Linq Namespace

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