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Troubleshooting Scenarios

Published : June 8, 2005

This section lists several problem scenarios that are common to management points. If a problem in your site is similar to one of the following scenarios described in this section, use the associated workarounds to repair the problem:

On This Page

Installing a New Management Point Causes Client Errors
Management Point Installation Failure (Scenario 1)
Management Point Installation Failure (Scenario 2)
Management Point Installation Fails in Standard Security
IIS Does Not Start
Management Point Cannot Copy Messages to Clients
Proxy Management Point Objects Are Not Removed When a Secondary Site Is Deleted
Remote Control Components Are Installed but Are Not Enabled
Clients Cannot Access a CAP or Management Point
A Management Point Cannot Connect to Clients or to SQL Server
VPN Clients Fail to Locate a Management Point
Event Log Contains Management Point Errors
An Advanced Client Installs but Its Components Are Not Enabled
SMS Agent Host Continuously Restarts
Management Point Cannot Communicate with SQL Server
Error Status Messages Are Generated After Installing a Remote Management Point

Installing a New Management Point Causes Client Errors

Clients do not install advertisements, and existing clients do not run advertisements after installing a new management point.


Computers are discovered and appear in the SMS Administrator console as Advanced Clients, but the SMS client software is not installed on the client computers.

Computers are discovered and appear in the SMS Administrator console as Advanced Clients, but the Legacy Client software is installed on the computer that is discovered.

Existing clients do not report a status for advertisements.

The following entries might appear on the management point in the MP_GetAuth.log file. Depending on whether the SMS client is also installed, this log file is located either in the %windir%\system32\CCM\Logs\ folder or in the \SMS_CCM\Logs\ folder.

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

<![LOG[CMPDBConnection::Init(): IDBInitialize::
Initialize() failed with 0x80004005]LOG]!>
<![LOG[Raising event: [SMS_CodePage(437),
SMS_LocaleID(1033)] instance of
MpEvent_ConnectDatabaseFailed {
      ClientID = "GUID:
      DatabaseName = "SMSDBname";
      DateTime = "20030919053031.203000+000";
      ErrorCode = "0x80004005";    
      MachineName = "MPcomputername";
      ProcessID = 5124;
      ServerName = "SMSservername";
      SiteCode = "sitecode";
      ThreadID = 3512;
      Win32ErrorCode = 0;
date="09-19-2003" component="MP_GetAuth_ISAPI" 
type="1" thread="3512" 


The management point computer account might not have adequate credentials to access SQL Server.


To verify that the management point computer account has adequate credentials

  1. Install the SQL Client tools on the computer hosting the management point.

  2. Log on to the computer hosting the management point with credentials equivalent to the SMS Service Account.

  3. Click Start, and then click Run.

  4. Type cmd, and then click OK.

    If your SMS site is configured for standard security mode, skip the next step. If your SMS site is configured for advanced security mode, continue to the next step.

  5. If your SMS site is configured for advanced security, open a command prompt window with LocalSystem account credentials. Type the following at a command prompt, and then press ENTER:

    AT FutureTime /interactive cmd

    At the time that you specify, a new Command Prompt window opens that runs under the context of Svchost.exe.


    FutureTime is any time that is later than the current time, in 24-hour format.

  6. At a command prompt, type the following and press ENTER:

    osql -S SQLServer -d SMSdbname -E

    SQLServer is the name of the server that is running SQL Server. SMSdbname is the name of the SQL Server database for your SMS site (SMS site database).

    If the command succeeds, your management point has the necessary permissions to the SQL Server database. The command is successful if the 1> prompt is returned.

  7. Type exit, and then press ENTER to return to the command prompt. Continue to the next step if you receive the following error message:

    Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

    Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason:
    Not associated with a trusted SQL 
    Server connection.
  8. If you received the "Login failed" error message in the preceding step, repeat the command but use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the server that running SQL Server, as in the following example:

    osql -S -d SMSdbname -E

    If the command does not succeed, review the DNS settings for the domain where the computer hosting the management point is located.

Management Point Installation Failure (Scenario 1)

Components required by BITS are not installed.


The Management point installation fails on a Windows 2000 server. Management point Setup fails with the following error, as show in the MPMSI.log file:

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

<11-18-2003 15:37:40> Installing 
<11-18-2003 15:38:26> Unknown error code: 452765
<11-18-2003 15:38:26> [15:38:26] @@ERR:25006
<11-18-2003 15:38:26> Setup was unable to 
create the Internet virtual directory CCM_Incoming 
The error code is 80020009


The Distributed Transaction Coordinator service is not enabled.


Enable the Distributed Transaction Coordinator service.

Management Point Installation Failure (Scenario 2)

BITS is not enabled and is causing management point installation failure.


Review of the Sitecomp.log on the site server indicates the following:

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

Starting bootstrap operations... 
with command-line arguments "DTB C:\SMS /install
Execution of "\\COMPUTER01\C$\SMS\bin\i386
\MPsetup.exe /install /siteserver:SERVER1" on 
server COMPUTER01 failed: Child process exited 
with non-zero code 111.  
BITS is not installed or configured properly on
server COMPUTER01
Bootstrap operation failed.  
The MPSetup.log for the Management Point indicates:
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; MP Setup Started....
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; Parameters: \\COMPUTER01\C$
\SMS\bin\i386\MPsetup.exe /install /siteserver:SERVER1
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; Installing the MP
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; IIS Service is installed.
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; No versions of MP are 
installed.  Installing new MP.
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; Enabling MSI logging.
  MP.MSI will log to C:\SMS\logs\MPMSI.log
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:28&gt; Installing C:\SMS\bin
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:37&gt; [10:56:37] @@ERR:25051
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:37&gt; Internet Information
Services BITS support is not installed
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:38&gt; MP.MSI exited with 
return code: 1603
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:38&gt; Backing up MPMSI.log to
&lt;05-16-2003 10:56:38&gt; Fatal MSI Error - 
MP.MSI could not be installed.

The MPMSI.log shows the following:

Note: The line has been split into multiple lines for readability. However, while trying it out on a system you must enter it as one line without breaks.

Error 25051. Internet Information Services BITS
support is not installed MSI (s) (A8!8C): Product:
SMS Management Point -- Error 25051. Internet 
Information Services BITS support is not installed


When attempting to install a management point to a server running Windows Server 2003, your installation might fail when BITS is not enabled.

An upgrade from Windows 2000 Server (with IIS and BITS) to Windows Server 2003 or a standard installation of Windows Server 2003 might prevent a management point from installing correctly. Windows Server 2003 does not have BITS enabled by default, which causes the management point installation to fail. The Mpsetup.log indicates that BITS was not installed.


See the procedure titled “To install the BITS Server Extensions” in this documentation.

Management Point Installation Fails in Standard Security

After you install SMS 2003 using the Standard security model, you might not be able to successfully install a management point.


An error message that is similar to the following may be logged in the <C:>\SMS\Logs\MPMSI.log file:

Note: The line has been split into multiple lines for readability. However, while trying it out on a system you must enter it as one line without breaks.

Settings\Temp\mso2C1.tmp 2 C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\SFPCA Cache\ 
msxmlx.inf EOF_LIST )
    Installing exception pack: 'msxmlx.inf' 
    MSI (s) (D4!18): Closing MSIHANDLE (7110)
of type 790531 for thread 792
    MSI (s) (D4!18): Creating MSIHANDLE (7111)
of type 790531 for thread 792
    Error: 'msxmlx.inf'
with error code -2147418113 (0x8000FFFF)


The SMS Service Account user profile was not created with 8.3 file-name support enabled.


  1. Ensure that you create the SMS Service Account user profile where 8.3 file-name support is enabled.


    When you re-enable 8.3 file-name support, it does not automatically create 8.3-compliant names for existing files and folders. 8.3-compliant names are created only for new files and folders.

  2. Modify the SMS Service Account TEMP and TMP user variables to use a path that does not contain spaces and that meets the 8.3 file-name rules, as in the following examples: C:\<TEMP> C:\Windows\<TEMP>.

IIS Does Not Start

IIS is unable to start.


The following error might be generated:

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

1008 : Attempt to Reference a 
Token that doesn't exist


Verify that the World Wide Publishing Service is running.

Management Point Cannot Copy Messages to Clients

An SMS 2003 management point computer cannot copy messages that are sent to SMS 2003 client computers.


You might receive an error in the Ccmexec.log file that is similar to the following:

Note: The line has been split into multiple lines for readability. However, while trying it out on a system you must enter it as one line without breaks.

Error copying attachment
(0x8000ffff). Source: D:
\Filename.tmp, Dest: D:
Offset: 1618, Length: 222208 CcmExec 8/26/2004 
8:57:29 AM 7508 (0x1D54) EndpointMessage
Will be discarded (0x8000ffff). 
cmExec 8/26/2004 8:57:29 AM 7508 (0x1D54).

You might receive an error message that is similar to the following in the Clientauth.log file:

Note: The line has been split into multiple lines for readability. However, while trying it out on a system you must enter it as one line without breaks.

<![LOG[Message rejected due to client
public key mismatch. ClientID: GUID:


This behavior occurs when the SMS 2003 client computer uses a private key that does not match the SMS client key to send a message. (The SMS client key is located in the database on the SMS 2003 site server.) When this behavior occurs, the SMS client computer cannot authenticate with the SMS 2003 management point computer and the signed message is discarded.

For example, when an SMS management point computer requires that a message be signed, the SMS 2003 client computer contacts the management point computer and sends the public key to that computer. Then the SMS 2003 client computer uses the private key that is stored in its certificate repository to sign the message.

However, if an SMS client computer receives an updated certificate or if a new SMS client is installed that has the same name as an existing SMS client computer, the private key that was used by the SMS client computer to sign the message does not match the key that is contained in the database. Therefore, the message is discarded.

For more information about a private key that does not match the SMS client key, see article 886013 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Proxy Management Point Objects Are Not Removed When a Secondary Site Is Deleted

Secondary site and proxy management point objects are not removed from Active Directory when you delete a secondary site in SMS 2003.


After you remove a secondary site and a proxy management point from your SMS hierarchy, Advanced Client computers continue to try to use the proxy management point of the secondary site that you have removed.


This problem occurs because SMS does not remove the Active Directory objects for secondary sites or proxy management points when you use the SMS Administrator console to delete a secondary site or a proxy management point.


This topic contains information about editing the Active Directory namespace. Before you edit the namespace, verify that you have a backup copy that you can restore if a problem occurs. If you edit the namespace incorrectly, you can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall any product that uses the namespace. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that result if you incorrectly edit the namespace can be solved.


To work around this problem, use the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) Edit tool to manually remove the secondary site and management point objects from Active Directory.

The ADSI Edit tool is located in the Windows Support Tools folder on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server CD and the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 CD. To set up Support Tools, start the Setup.exe program in the Support\Tools\Setup folder. After you install Support Tools, follow these steps:

  1. Run adsiedit.msc and then click OK.

  2. Navigate to Domain [ServerName.domain], DC=domain, DC=domainextension, System, and then click CN=System Management.

  3. In the right pane, right-click CN=SMS-MP- SecondarySiteCode-ProxyManagementPointServerName and click Delete.

  4. In the right pane, right-click CN=SMS-Site- SecondarySiteCode and click Delete.

  5. On the File menu, click Exit and then click No.

For more information about removing the Active Directory objects for secondary sites or proxy management points, see article 886162 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Remote Control Components Are Installed but Are Not Enabled

Installed remote control components are not functional.


Double-clicking Remote Control in Control Panel returns the following error:

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

Cannot display current remote control status.
The remote control service agent is not started.

The Ccmexec.log file might contain error information that is similar to the following:

Note: The line has been split into multiple lines for readability. However, while trying it out on a system you must enter it as one line without breaks.

[LOG[HTTP ERROR: 12029 : 
<time="09:01:57.193+360" date="01-07-2004"
component="CCMEXEC" context="" type="1" 
thread="764" file="ccmhttperror.cpp:73">
<![LOG[Request failed: 404 Object 
Not Found]LOG]!>


This problem might occur if one or more of the following conditions are true:

  • The SMS 2003 server locator point has not been enabled.

  • The URLscan filter that is contained in IIS Lockdown Tool is installed on a server running Windows 2000 that hosts the management point.

  • The management point is installed on a server running Windows Server 2003, and the management point has stopped responding.

Two causes are management point issues. The failure to enable a server locator point indirectly masks itself as a management point problem because clients unable to communicate with the management point.


To resolve the issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Enable a server locator point if one is not already designated for the site.

  2. Remove the URLSCAN filter from the server hosting the management point.

  3. Uninstall and then reinstall the management point.

For more information about remote control components being installed but not enabled, see article 883983 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Clients Cannot Access a CAP or Management Point

When you install the SMS Legacy Client or the Advanced Client, it cannot connect to the client access point or to the management point.


When you install the SMS 2003 Advanced Client and you cannot access the SMS 2003 management point, the LocationServices.log file might contain an entry that is similar to the following:

Note: The line has been split into multiple lines for readability. However, while trying it out on a system you must enter it as one line without breaks.

Failed to retrieve MP for site code 'SiteName']LOG]!>
<time="21:29:06.234+480" date="02-22-2004" 
component="LocationServices" context="" type="3" 
thread="200" file="lsad.cpp:2558">


This problem occurs if insufficient connection licenses are available on the computer that is acting as the SMS management point or as the SMS client access point. This typically occurs when per-server licensing has been selected on the computer. Because connections to the SMS server are made under multiple user contexts, each SMS client installation might use several licenses.


To work around this problem, you must either purchase more licenses or change the license policy on the SMS server from per-server to per-seat.

For more information about connection license problems, see article 826870 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

A Management Point Cannot Connect to Clients or to SQL Server

Connectivity problems are occurring between the management point and clients or SQL Server.


Connectivity problems between the management point and clients or SQL Server occur when TCP or UDP ports are incorrectly configured.


Ensure that your TCP or UDP ports are properly configured. The following tables list the ports that SMS uses for communication.

Table 1    Port requirements: SMS 2003 Site Server to Child Site or to SMS SQL Server

Port Number



Server Message Block (SMB)


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)


LDAP (Secure Sockets Layer [SSL] connection)

Table 2    Port Requirements: SMS 2003 Proxy Management Point to Parent SQL Server

Port Number



TCP (SMS Site Server to SQL Server)




LDAP (SSL Connection)

Table 3    Port Requirements: Advanced Client to Management Point

Port Number



Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


UDP (User Datagram Protocol) LDAP Ping




TCP LDAP (SSL Connection)


TCP (explicit connection to Global Catalog)

When you use NetBIOS over TCP/IP for SMS Remote Control, the ports listed in the following tables are used.

Table 4    Port Requirements: SMS Remote Control UDP

Port Number



Name resolution




Client sessions

Table 5    Port Requirements: Microsoft Windows NT UDP

Port Number



Domain Name System (DNS)


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)


TCP Remote procedure call (RPC)


Windows Internet Name Service (WINS)


NetBIOS datagrams


TCP NetBIOS datagrams

Microsoft SQL Server ports

If you use the TCP/IP Net-Library, enable port 1433 on the firewall. Use the Hosts file or an advanced connection string for host name resolution.

If you use named pipes over TCP/IP, enable port 139 for NetBIOS functions.

Microsoft does not recommend that you enable UDP ports 137 and 138 for NetBIOS name resolution by using B-node broadcasts. Instead, you can use a WINS server or an Lmhosts file for name resolution.

By default, SQL Server uses TCP (not UDP) port 1433 to listen on TCP/IP. To change the port, run SQL Server Setup on the server and then click Change Network Support. If SQL Server uses port 1433, the client Net-Library works. If SQL Server uses a custom port number, the client must specify that port in the Data Source Name (DSN).

SMS RAS Sender

SMS can also use the SMS RAS Sender with Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) to send and to receive SMS site, client, and administrative information through a firewall. Under these circumstances, the TCP port 1723 is used by PPTP.

For more information about ports that SMS 2003 uses to communicate through a firewall or through a proxy server, see article 826852 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

VPN Clients Fail to Locate a Management Point

Advanced Clients on a virtual private network (VPN) connection cannot locate the management point.


This problem occurs when the following conditions are true:

  • The SMS Advanced Clients connect using a VPN connection.

  • When the SMS primary site was installed, the Active Directory directory service schema was not extended.


The Advanced Client tries to find the management point on the client LAN connection instead of on the client VPN connection.


Apply the software update described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 884053. For more information about VPN clients failing to locate a management point, see article 884053 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

Event Log Contains Management Point Errors

When you browse to an existing Active Server Pages (ASP) page, the browser may return HTTP 500 - Internal server error or other Server Application Error messages.


If you review the System Event Log after you receive the error message, the following entries appear:

   Source: W3SVC    
    Error: Configured identity is incorrect
    Source: DCOM
    Error: Unable to logon IWAM_ComputerName


The IIS IWAM_computername account and the copy of IWAM_computername are not synchronized.


Verify that the IIS IWAM_computername account and the copy of IWAM_computername are synchronized.

For more information about SMS client Web browsers returning errors, see article 297989 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at

An Advanced Client Installs but Its Components Are Not Enabled

SMS 2003 Advanced Client installs properly, but its components are not enabled.


The CertificateMaintenance.log on the client contains the following entry:

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

Refreshing Certifcate Information over HTTP       
Public Key is empty
Public Key is empty
Failed to verify the mp thumbprint 
with error '0x80004005'
Failed to validate the certificate 
<certificate string>  from management 
point 'WISMS01TEST'

You will also find that the following management point registry key(s) are not populated on the client:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\MP\Certificates\SignedTrustedRootKey

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\MP\Certificates\TrustedRootKey

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\MP\Certificates\SignedSerializedKey

Additionally, the site control file does not have a TrustedRootKey entry.


The client was moved from one site hierarchy to another.


Re-create the TrustedRootKey by using the following procedure.

To reinstall the trusted root key

  1. In Notepad, open the file C:\sms\bin\i386\mobileclient.tcf.

  2. Copy the key that comes after SMSPublicRootKey=, and save the key to a text file in any location you choose.

  3. Install the client by using one of the following three methods and the appropriate syntax:

    • CCMSetup/trustedkeyfile:<Fullpathandfilename>

    • msiexec /i \\server\share\client.msi /L*v c:\install.log SMSROOTKEYPATH=<Fullpathandfilename>

    • Capinst.exe /advcli /advlicmd /trustedkeyfile:<Fullpathandfilename>

SMS Agent Host Continuously Restarts

The SMS Agent Host is restarting continuously.


CCMExec.log contains details similar to the following:

CryptGenKey failed: 0x80070005  
Failed to create certificate 80070005 
CCMDoCertificateMaintenance failed (0x80070005).
Phase 0 initialization failed (0x80070005).  
Service initialization failed (0x80070005).  
Shutting down CCMEXEC...  


The client or management point could not generate the certificate because of a permissions problem.


Grant the SYSTEM group and Administrators group full control to the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\19c5cf9c7b5dc9de3e548adb70398402_6ee5afbf-3882-4a52-8ad4-1ef3db2563ee file. The client should then install successfully.


The actual file name may vary, but it will always start with 19c5cf9c7b5dc9de3e548adb70398402_.

Management Point Cannot Communicate with SQL Server

The management point fails to communicate with SQL Server.


When your Advanced Client runs in Advanced Security mode and has a Remote SQL Server, you might receive the following SQL Server connection error message:

Note: Some of the lines in the following code have been displayed on multiple lines for better readability.

Not associated with a trusted SQL 
Server connection


Possible causes are as follows:

  • The appropriate Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes are not generated for the service account that started the SQL Server services.

  • The SQL Server Service Account is not in the Domain Administrators group.


Verify that SQL Server has the named pipes feature enabled. If you are running advanced security, verify that the management point computer account has been added to the SMS_SiteSystemToSQLConnection_<site_code> group and verify that the site database server is running SQL Server 2000 SP3.

You can determine whether you have SQL Server 2000 SP3 by viewing the properties of the server in SQL Server Enterprise Manager. If you have SQL Server 2000 SP3, the product version number is listed as 8.00.760 (SP3); otherwise, you do not have SQL Server 2000 SP3.

For more information about troubleshooting connectivity between a management point and the SMS site database, see article 832109 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at and article 829868 at

Error Status Messages Are Generated After Installing a Remote Management Point


After you install a management point on a remote computer, status message 5414 is logged on the SMS primary site server. If you grant the correct permissions after the management point is installed, the management point does not add the computer account to the SQL Server group.


This problem might occur if the management point does not have permission to add its computer account to the SMS_SiteSystemToSQLConnection_<sitecode> group on the computer that is running Microsoft SQL Server.


To resolve this problem, manually add the computer account of the management point computer to the SMS_SiteSystemToSQLConnection_<SiteCode> group on the computer that is running SQL Server. Remove and then reinstall the management point.