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SMS Remote Tools Overview

The SMS Remote Tools suite consists of the following tools:

  • Remote Control

  • Remote Reboot

  • Remote Chat

  • Remote File Transfer

  • Remote Execute

  • SMS Client Diagnostics

  • Ping Test

The following sections briefly describe each of these tools. For more information about how to use these tools, see the "Using SMS Remote Tools to Support Clients" section later in this chapter.

Remote Control

You can use Remote Control to operate a remote client. By establishing a Remote Control session, you can access the client's desktop and files and perform mouse and keyboard functions as though you were physically at the client. You can also use Remote Control to troubleshoot hardware and software configuration problems on a client and to provide remote help desk support when access to the user's computer is necessary.

Remote Reboot

You can use Remote Reboot to remotely shut down and restart a client. It might be necessary to restart a remote client to test a change to a startup procedure, to load a new configuration, or if a client is generating a hardware or software error.

Remote Chat

You can use Remote Chat to communicate with the user at a remote client. When you initiate a chat session with the user, the Remote Tools window becomes the chat window on your computer. On the remote client, a chat window also opens on the desktop. When either user types in their Local user box, that text also appears in the Remote user box on the other computer.

Remote File Transfer

You can use Remote File Transfer to copy files between the computer on which you are running the SMS Administrator console and a selected client. For example, if you discover a corrupt or missing file on a client, you can use Remote File Transfer to transfer the required file from a local file directory to the client. You can also use Remote File Transfer to transfer files, such as log files, from the client to your computer for troubleshooting.

Remote Execute

You can use Remote Execute to run executable files on a remote client. You can also run any command-line statement to complete tasks, such as running a virus checker on the client.

SMS Client Diagnostics

You can use SMS to run diagnostics on all clients. You can then use the information that is gathered to troubleshoot client hardware or software problems. For clients running Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 or later, you can use Windows Diagnostics in the SMS Administrator console. For clients running Microsoft Windows 98, you can run diagnostics from the Remote Tools window after you have initiated a Remote Tools connection to the client.

Ping Test

You can use Ping Test to determine the reliability and speed of the Remote Tools connection to a client on your network. You can access Ping Test from the Remote Tools window.

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