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Error ID: 30101

Applies To: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

Error #30101 — Data Protection Manager



Data Protection Manager






Symbolic Name


DPM encountered a critical error while performing an I/O operation on the tape <Media Label> (Barcode - <Media Barcode>) in <Media Location Type><Media Location Info>.


This error can occur because of an errant driver for the tape drive or by hardware issues. Possible causes include the following:

  • When a tape reaches the end, some drivers will incorrectly return a Device I/O error code instead of an End of tape reached code.

  • An errant driver might not be able to handle multiple parallel write requests.

  • The backup might fail because data was written successfully after an initial device I/O error.

  • There might be a defective tape or a bad sector on the tape.

  • The tape drive might be defective or dirty.

User Action

To resolve this error, do the following:

  1. Download and install the latest driver and firmware updates from the tape drive vendor.

  2. Many tape drive vendors also offer utilities that you can use to diagnose hardware problems.

  3. Clean and service the tape drive.

Modify the TapeSize registry value to match your tape size

When a tape reaches the end, some drivers incorrectly return a Device I/O error code instead of an End of tape reached code. To resolve this error, modify the value of the following registry key to match your tape size.


Serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. These problems could require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. Always make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it, and that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent
Value Name: TapeSize
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data (in MBs) 00030000

When a tape reaches the end, DPM reads the TapeSize value (in MBs).

If the tape drive driver returns a Device I/O error code and the amount of data written by DPM is greater than the TapeSize value (in MBs), DPM automatically converts the Device I/O error code to an End of tape reached code, and then spans to the next tape.

If your tape size is different from the TapeSize value in the registry, you need to modify the TapeSize value accordingly.

Reduce the number of parallel write buffers

An errant driver might not handle multiple parallel write requests. To resolve this error, create and modify the following registry key to reduce the number of parallel write buffers that DPM uses.


Serious problems can occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. These problems could require you to reinstall the operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. Always make sure that you back up the registry before you modify it, and that you know how to restore the registry if a problem occurs.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Agent
Value Name: BufferQueueSize
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value Data 00000001

Set the BufferQueueSize value to 1 or another low value, and then increase it to the maximum value that the driver can accommodate before it begins to cause device I/O errors again.