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The SMS_StatMsgAttributes WMI class represents optional data associated with a status message.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_StatMsgAttributes : SMS_BaseClass
  uint32 AttributeID;
  datetime AttributeTime;
  string AttributeValue;
  uint32 RecordID;


  • AttributeID
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Identifies the type of attributes contained in the AttributeValue property.

    Value Meaning
    400 PackageID
    401 AdvertisementID
    402 CollectionID
    403 UserName
    404 DistributionPoint
  • AttributeTime
    Data type: datetime
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Date and time (Greenwich mean time) the message was generated.

  • AttributeValue
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Attribute value whose content is determined by the AttributeID property value.

  • RecordID
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Record identifier of the status message with which this attribute is associated.


You use this class to associate specific information with a message. The attribute data is not displayed in the message text. Typically, you use the attribute values to query the status messages for messages that reference a particular object. For example, you can query for the attribute that returns all the messages associated with a particular SMS package.

Each attribute is stored as an instance of the class. You use the raise status message methods to add attribute values. To delete attribute values, you delete the associated status message, which in turn deletes the attribute value instances.

See Also

SMS_StatMsgInsStrings, SMS_StatusMessage, Reading Status Messages, Reporting Informational, Warning, and Error Status Messages, Status Classes, Using Status Messages,