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The SMS_SiteDetailSummarizer WMI class provides per site status of components and the system. An instance of this class is created for each site.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_SiteDetailSummarizer : SMS_BaseClass
  uint32 DatabaseFree;
  uint32 Errors;
  uint32 Infos;
  string SiteCode;
  string SiteName;
  uint32 Status;
  string TallyInterval;
  uint32 TransFree;
  string Version;
  uint32 Warnings;


  • DatabaseFree
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Percentage of free storage space available for the site database.

  • Errors
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Total number of error status messages reported by all server components at this site during the tally interval.

  • Infos
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Total number of informational status messages reported by all server components at this site during the tally interval.

  • SiteCode
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    SMS site code.

  • SiteName
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Friendly name of the site.

  • Status
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Indicates the overall health of this site. Values are:
    GREEN (0) = OK
    YELLOW (1) = Warning
    RED (2) = Critical

    A Green status indicates there are no warning or error messages. A Yellow status indicates that warning messages were generated, but not error messages; it also indicates the storage objects are approaching their threshold. A Red status tells you there are error messages or the storage objects have exceeded their thresholds.

  • TallyInterval
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Lazy

    Interval or time period for which these statistics apply. You must specify a tally interval in your WHERE clause to query instances of this class. The statistics are reset to zero each time the schedule elapses. To use this property, see Determining a Tally Interval.

  • TransFree
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Percentage of free storage space available for the transaction log of the site database.

  • Version
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Version of SMS installed on this site, including the service pack if one is installed.

  • Warnings
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Total number of warning status messages reported by all server components at this site during the tally interval.

See Also

SMS_ComponentSummarizer, SMS_SiteSystemSummarizer, Status Classes