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GetCollectionsWithResourcePermissions Method in Class SMS_SecuredObject

The GetCollectionsWithResourcePermissions WMI class method returns the list of collection identifiers to which the user has the specified permissions. The collection must contain the specified resource.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and is intended to show you the definition of the method.

uint32 GetCollectionsWithResourcePermissions(
  [in] uint32 ResourceID,
  [in] uint32 Permissions,
  [out] string CollectionIDs[]


  • ResourceID
    Data type: uint32
    Qualifiers: In

    Unique SMS-supplied identifier for the resource.

  • Permissions
    Data type: uint32
    Qualifiers: In

    Set of permissions the user has for the collections that contain the resource.

  • CollectionIDs
    Data type: string[]
    Qualifiers: Out

    Collections to which the user has the specified permissions.

Return Values

The GetCollectionsWithResourcePermissions method returns a uint32 that is always zero (0).

Example Code

The following example shows you how to call the GetCollectionsWithResourcePermissions method to get the list of collections that contain the resource to which the user has permissions to delete resources.

Dim Security As SWbemObject
Dim Collections() As Variant

Set Security = GetObject("winmgmts:root\sms\site_<sitecode>:SMS_SecuredObject")
Security.GetCollectionsWithResourcePermissions <resourceid>, 512, Collections

See Also
