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ISMSResGen Interface

Applies To: System Center Configuration Manager 2007, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2

The ISMSResGen automation interface, in Configuration Manager 2007, enables the creation of Data Discovery Records (DDR). This interface inherits from IDispatch.

In This Section

Term Definition


Creates a new DDR.


Adds an integer property to the DDR.


Adds a string property to the DDR.


Adds an integer array property to the DDR.


Adds a string array property to the DDR.


Writes the DDR to a file.

DDRPropertyFlagsEnum Enumeration

Defines flags used by ISMSResGen.


These functions create a single DDR that is sent to the Data Discovery Manager (DDM). The order in which you call the functions is important; you must call DDRNew before calling any of the functions that add properties. However, the order in which you add properties to your class is arbitrary. The last function you call must be DDRWrite to create the DDR. The DDR must then be manually copied to the SMS\Inboxes\Auth\ directory.

DDRs that fail to load are moved to the SMS\Inboxes\\Bad_ddrs directory. If you have logging turned on, you can view the DDM.log file for an explanation of the failure. After you fix the errors, you can rerun your program to load the DDR.

The IID for ISMSResGen is ECB65D0E-B16B-4817-92B0-BF2D9CEFB3AC.


Runtime Requirements



For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also


How to Add New Properties to an Existing Resource Type
How to Create a Data Discovery Record


SMSResGen COM Automation Class
Extending Resource Discovery
How to Get the Unique Identifier Value for a Client