CustomMonitoringEvent |
Represents a custom monitoring event that can be inserted into the Operations Manager system. |
CustomMonitoringEventMessage |
Represents a custom monitoring event message that is used in CustomMonitoringEvent objects. |
CustomMonitoringPerformanceData |
Represents a custom object for monitoring performance data. |
DiagnosticResult |
DiagnosticResultCriteria |
DiscoverySource |
The abstract base class for a discovery source. |
ExternalRollupMonitoringState |
Defines a monitoring state object that represents an external rollup monitor. |
GroomingNotificationEventArgs |
Contains event arguments for grooming notifications. |
GroomingStatusInfo |
Contains grooming information for a single grooming object. |
MaintenanceWindow |
Represents a maintenance mode window that contains information about entering maintenance mode. |
MonitoringAlert |
Represents an Operations Manager monitoring alert. In Operations Manager, an alert is an item that indicates that a predefined situation has occurred on a monitored object. Alerts are defined by rules. |
MonitoringAlertCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringAlertReader method and the GetMonitoringAlerts method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
MonitoringAlertHistory |
Contains information about the history of a monitoring alert. |
MonitoringAlertProperty |
Represents a property of the MonitoringAlert class. |
MonitoringAlertReader |
Used as a reader for retrieving an alert. |
MonitoringAlertResolutionState |
Represents an alert resolution state. |
MonitoringAlertUpdateFailure |
Contains the exception that occurred when a monitoring alert failed to update. |
MonitoringEvent |
Represents a monitoring event. |
MonitoringEventCriteria |
Used to specify the criteria for the GetMonitoringEvents method and the GetMonitoringEventReader method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
MonitoringEventProperty |
Represents a property of the MonitoringEvent class. |
MonitoringEventReader |
Enables you to read monitoring events. |
MonitoringObject |
Represents a monitoring object and provides access to its properties, state, as well as related monitoring objects. |
MonitoringObjectCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringObjects method and the GetRelatedMonitoringObjects method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
MonitoringObjectDiscoverySource |
Represents a discovery source for relationship objects. |
MonitoringObjectGenericCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringObjects, GetPartialMonitoringObjects, GetRelatedMonitoringObjects and GetRelatedPartialMonitoringObjects methods, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
MonitoringObjectGenericProperty |
MonitoringObjectGroup |
Represents a group of monitoring objects. |
MonitoringPerformanceData |
Contains monitoring performance data. |
MonitoringPerformanceDataCriteria |
Specifies the criteria for the GetMonitoringPerformanceData method and the GetMonitoringPerformanceDataReader method, limiting the returned objects to those that meet the criteria. |
MonitoringPerformanceDataReader |
Retrieves performance data. |
MonitoringPerformanceDataValue |
Contains performance data and information about when the performance data was retrieved. |
MonitoringPerformanceDataValueReader |
Used to read monitoring performance data values. |
MonitoringPerformanceSignature |
Represents a performance signature. |
MonitoringPerformanceSignatureValue |
Represents a performance signature value. |
MonitoringRelationshipObject |
Represents a monitoring relationship. |
MonitoringRelationshipObjectDiscoverySource |
Represents a discovery source for relationship objects. |
MonitoringState |
Defines the state of a monitoring object. |
MonitoringStateChangeEvent |
Represents a monitoring state change event. |
OperationalDataObject |
Represents an operational data object. |
OperationalDataProperty |
Represents an abstract base class for operational data properties. |
PartialMonitoringAlertReader |
Represents a reader for MonitoringAlert objects. |
PartialMonitoringEventReader |
Represents a reader for MonitoringEvent objects. |
PartialMonitoringObject |
Represents a monitoring object that is a partial instance of a monitoring class. |
PartialMonitoringObjectGroup |
Represents a group of partial monitoring objects. |
PartialOperationalDataReader |
Abstract class for reading operational data object properties. |
RecoveryResult |
RecoveryResultCriteria |