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SMS_BaselineAssignment Server WMI Class


Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

The SMS_BaselineAssignment Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that contains information about how a baseline is targeted.


Class SMS_BaselineAssignment : SMS_CIAssignmentBaseClass
      Boolean ApplyToSubTargets;
      String AssignedCI_UniqueID;
      SInt32 AssignedCIs[];
      SInt32 AssignmentAction;
      String AssignmentDescription;
      SInt32 AssignmentID;
      String AssignmentName; 
      SInt32 AssignmentType;
      String AssignmentUniqueID; 
      Boolean ContainsExpiredUpdates;
      DateTime CreationTime;
      SInt32 DesiredConfigType;
      Boolean DisableMomAlerts;
      UInt32 DPLocality; 
      Boolean Enabled;
      DateTime EnforcementDeadline; 
      Boolean EnforcementEnabled;
      String EvaluationSchedule;
      DateTime ExpirationTime;
      DateTime LastModificationTime; 
      String LastModifiedBy;
      UInt32 LocaleID;
      Boolean LogComplianceToWinEvent;
      SInt32 NonComplianceCriticality;
      Boolean NotifyUser;
      Boolean OverrideServiceWindows;
      Boolean RaiseMomAlertsOnFailure;
      UInt32 RandomizationMinutes;
      Boolean RebootOutsideOfServiceWindows;
      Boolean SendDetailedNonComplianceStatus;
      String SourceSite;
      DateTime StartTime; 
      UInt32 StateMessagePriority;
      UInt32 SuppressReboot;
      String TargetCollectionID;
      Boolean UseGMTTimes;
      Boolean WoLEnabled;


The SMS_BaselineAssignment class does not define any methods.



Class qualifiers for this class include:

  • Secured

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.

This class is used to define an assignment for a configuration baseline, which is a configuration item that contains other configuration items with associated rules. The baseline is assigned to computers through collections, together with a compliance evaluation schedule.

Your application can create a baseline as an SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo Server WMI Class object with the CIType_ID property set to Baseline (2). The types of configuration items that can be included in the baseline are:

  • OperatingSystem (3)

  • BusinessPolicy (4)

  • Application (5)

  • OtherConfigurationItem (7)

The baseline can reference configuration items of type SoftwareUpdate (1) and SoftwareUpdateBundle (2).

The SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo Server WMI Class object defines an IsBundle property. When building a baseline, this property of each contained configuration item is set to true to indicate that the configuration item is part of a bundle.

For information on the use of this class, see How to List Configuration Assignments and How to Assign Configuration Baselines.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also

Configuration Manager Compliance Settings (DCM) Server WMI Classes
SMS_CIAssignmentBaseClass Server WMI Class
SMS_ConfigurationItemBaseClass Server WMI Class