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SMS_ContentPackage Server WMI Class


Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

The SMS_ContentPackage Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents the content package.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.


Class SMS_ContentPackage : SMS_PackageBaseclass
    UInt32 ActionInProgress;
    String AlternateContentProviders;
    String Description;
    UInt8 ExtendedData[];
    UInt32 ExtendedDataSize;
    UInt32 ForcedDisconnectDelay;
    Boolean ForcedDisconnectEnabled;
    UInt32 ForcedDisconnectNumRetries;
    UInt8 Icon[];
    UInt32 IconSize;
    Boolean IgnoreAddressSchedule;
    UInt8 ISVData[];
    UInt32 ISVDataSize;
    String Language;
    DateTime LastRefreshTime;
    String LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames[];
    String Manufacturer;
    String MIFFilename;
    String MIFName;
    String MIFPublisher;
    String MIFVersion;
    String Name;
    UInt32 NumOfPrograms;
    UInt32 ObjectTypeID;
    String PackageID;
    UInt32 PackageSize;
    UInt32 PackageType;
    UInt32 PkgFlags;
    UInt32 PkgSourceFlag;
    String PkgSourcePath;
    String PreferredAddressType;
    UInt32 Priority;
    Boolean RefreshPkgSourceFlag;
    SMS_ScheduleToken RefreshSchedule[];
    String SecuredScopeNames[];
    String SecurityKey;
    String SedoObjectVersion;
    String ShareName;
    UInt32 ShareType;
    DateTime SourceDate;
    String SourceSite;
    UInt32 SourceVersion;
    String StoredPkgPath;
    UInt32 StoredPkgVersion;
    String Version;


The following table lists the methods in the SMS_ContentPackage class.



AddChangeNotification Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Adds a package change notification.

AddContent Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Adds a set of contents to this content package

AddDistributionPointGroup Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Adds a distribution point group for the content package.

AddDistributionPoints Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Adds the distribution points for the content package.

Commit Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Called when all the contents have been added to the content package to start package processing.

RemoveContent Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Removes the content for the given ContentID from the package.

RefreshPkgSource Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Causes a refresh of the package source.

Unlock Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Sets the source site to the current site, unlocking the package.


This method is obsolete.

SetSourceSite Method in Class SMS_ContentPackage

Sets the code of the source site for the package.




Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.

See Also

Configuration Manager Content Server WMI Classes