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SMS_ConfigurationPolicy Server WMI Class


Applies To: System Center 2012 Configuration Manager, System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP1, System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager

The SMS_ConfigurationPolicy Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that represents the desired values of settings declared in a subclass of SMS_SettingsDefinitionBase. For instance, SMS_FirewallSettings is a subclass of SMS_SettingsDefinitionBase which declares possible settings for Windows Firewall. One such setting is "Block incoming connections on public networks." SMS_ConfigurationPolicy could be used to set a policy on that setting, such as "The setting 'Block incoming connections on public networks' should be enabled."

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.


Class SMS_ConfigurationPolicy : SMS_ConfigurationPolicyBase
    UInt32 ActivatedCount;
    String ApplicabilityCondition;
    UInt32 AssignedCount;
    String CategoryInstance_UniqueIDs[];
    UInt32 CI_ID;
    String CI_UniqueID;
    UInt32 CIType_ID;
    UInt32 CIVersion;
    UInt32 ComplianceCount;
    Real64 CompliantPercentage;
    String CreatedBy;
    DateTime DateCreated;
    DateTime DateLastModified;
    DateTime EffectiveDate;
    UInt32 EULAAccepted;
    Boolean EULAExists;
    DateTime EULASignoffDate;
    String EULASignoffUser;
    UInt32 ExecutionContext;
    UInt32 FailureCount;
    Boolean IsAssigned;
    Boolean IsBroken;
    Boolean IsBundle;
    Boolean IsDigest;
    Boolean IsEnabled;
    Boolean IsExpired;
    Boolean IsHidden;
    Boolean IsLatest;
    Boolean IsQuarantined;
    Boolean IsSuperseded;
    Boolean IsUserDefined;
    String LastModifiedBy;
    String LocalizedCategoryInstanceNames[];
    String LocalizedDescription;
    String LocalizedDisplayName;
    SMS_CI_LocalizedEulas LocalizedEulas[];
    SMS_CI_LocalizedProperties LocalizedInformation[];
    String LocalizedInformativeURL;
    UInt32 LocalizedPropertyLocaleID;
    UInt32 ModelID;
    String ModelName;
    UInt32 NonComplianceCount;
    UInt32 PermittedUses;
    String PlatformCategoryInstance_UniqueIDs[];
    UInt32 PlatformType;
    UInt32 Precedence;
    SMS_SDMPackageLocalizedData SDMPackageLocalizedData[];
    UInt32 SDMPackageVersion;
    String SDMPackageXML;
    String SecuredScopeNames[];
    String SedoObjectVersion;
    UInt32 Severity;
    String SourceSite;


The following table lists the methods in the SMS_ConfigurationPolicy class.



AcceptEULA Method in Class SMS_ConfigurationPolicy


GetEULA Method in Class SMS_ConfigurationPolicy




To create or modify an instance of SMS_ConfigurationPolicy, the user must have the Author Policy right on each referenced instance of SMS_SettingsDefinitionBase. For instance, a user who has the Author Policy right on SMS_FirewallSettings but not SMS_UserStateManagementSettings can create SMS_ConfigurationPolicy which sets policy on firewall settings, but will get an error trying to set policy on User State Management settings.


Runtime Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Runtime Requirements.

Development Requirements

For more information, see Configuration Manager Server Development Requirements.