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ReadFromString Method in Class SMS_ScheduleMethods

The ReadFromString WMI class method decodes interval strings and places the results into SMS_ScheduleToken objects.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and is intended to show you the definition of the method.

sint32 ReadFromString(
  [in] string StringData,
  [out] SMS_ScheduleToken TokenData[]


  • StringData
    Data type: string
    Qualifiers: In

    Interval string to be decoded and placed into SMS_ScheduleToken objects.

  • TokenData
    Data type: SMS_ScheduleToken[]
    Qualifiers: Out

    Schedule tokens decoded from StringData.

Return Values

The ReadFromString method returns a sint32 with a value that is always zero (0).

Example Code

The following example decodes an SMS schedule interval string into a schedule token.

    Dim clsScheduleMethods As SWbemObject
    Dim sInterval As String
    Dim avTokens() As Variant
    Dim vToken As Variant

    Set clsScheduleMethods = Services.Get("SMS_ScheduleMethods")
    sInterval = "000A4700002BC400"
    clsScheduleMethods.ReadFromString sInterval, avTokens

    For each vToken In avTokens
        MsgBox vToken.GetObjectText_

See Also

Determining A Tally Interval, SMS_ScheduleMethods, SMS_ScheduleToken, WriteToString