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Scheduling Classes

The following table describes the embedded classes you use to provide scheduling information to SMS components.

Class Description
SMS_ScheduleMethods Contains methods for decoding and encoding schedule tokens.
SMS_ScheduleToken Abstract parent class for the SMS_ST_ schedule token classes.
SMS_ST_NonRecurring Used for non-recurring event scheduling.
SMS_ST_RecurInterval Enables scheduling of events that occur at regular intervals, as opposed to designated dates and times.
SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate Enables scheduling of events that occur on designated days at designated monthly intervals.
SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday Enables scheduling of events that occur for a designated number of months on designated days of the week, such as every seven months on the second Wednesday.
SMS_ST_RecurWeekly Enables scheduling of events that occur at weekly intervals, regardless of the week's sequence in any month, such as every third week on Wednesday.


Range checking is performed for schedule token property values. However, error conditions are not generated for values that are outside the allowable range. Instead, the property values are changed to the maximum, allowable value for the property. For example, if you enter 99 for MonthDay, the provider changes it to 31. If you enter all zeros for StartTime, the provider changes it to the current date and time.

Dates and times are stored in SMS as local time or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The status message viewer can convert the time value to local time, but queries and reports cannot. Therefore, you must be aware of the following:

  • The effect Pacific Daylight time has on local time.
  • Status messages are all GMT.
  • Offers can be GMT or local, depending on the setting of AssignedScheduleIsGMT (TRUE/FALSE) in the SMS_Advertisement class.
  • Inventory is always the local time of the client that generated it.

Crystal Reports will show what is stored and cannot make time zone conversions. If the report concerns status messages, label the times GMT. If it is an inventory report, label the times as local time. For advertisement reports, you have to query AssignedScheduleIsGMT to get the time style being used.

Because AssignedScheduleIsGMT is a lazy property, you cannot reach it through the Query Builder or from Crystal Reports.