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The SMS_ResIDValueLookup WMI class is a static class that maps integers to localized text strings found in a resource DLL.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_ResIDValueLookup
  string LookupName;
  uint32 IntLookupValue;
  string StringLookupValue;
  string ResDLL;
  uint32 ResID;


  • LookupName
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Name specified in the ResIDValueLookup property qualifier.

  • IntLookupValue
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Value from the property to be localized. Specify a value for this property if the data type of the property to be localized is an integer.

  • StringLookupValue
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Value from the property to be localized. Specify a value for this property if the data type of the property to be localized is a string.

  • ResDLL
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Resource DLL name from which to retrieve a localized string.

  • ResID
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Resource identifier from which to retrieve the localized string.


This is a static class whose instances are defined in the Sms_prov.mof file.

The console uses this class to convert enumerated property values into localized text strings. The console uses the ResIDValueLookup property qualifier value and the property value of the instance to lookup the location of the localized string.

For example, to get the location of the localized string for the Priority property of SMS_Package (the property must contain a ResIDValueLookup property qualifier):

  1. Get the ResIDValueLookup property qualifier value.
  2. Get the property value.
  3. Either query SMS_ResIDValueLookup or get the object directly by specifying the full path. The query and the object path are shown below.
    SELECT * FROM SMS_ResIDValueLookup
    WHERE LookupName = <ResIDValueLookup property qualifer value>
    AND IntLookupValue = <property value>

SMS_ResIDValueLookup.IntLookupValue=<property value>,LookupName="<qualifier value>",StringLookupValue=""

When you have the location and resource identifier, you can use the LoadString function to return the localized text string for the Priority value.

See Also

Resource Management Classes