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Hardware Inventory Classes

The SMS Hardware Inventory Classes are generated dynamically based on the content of the Sms_def.mof file. Not all hardware classes and properties listed in the MOF file are reported. Each class and property in the MOF file contains an SMS_Report qualifier that specifies whether the class or property is reported — only those classes and properties with a value of TRUE are reported (dynamically generated). For information on changing the reporting value, see Enabling the Report Feature for Existing Classes and Properties.

During the hardware inventory process, the name for the class is transformed from Win32_hardware to SMS_G_System_hardware. For example, Win32_Account translates to SMS_G_System_Account. Each class in the Sms_def.mof file contains an SMS_Class_ID class qualifier that specifies the actual hardware name used by SMS.

In addition to the class name change, the following differences are found between the Win32 classes and the SMS hardware classes:

  • Each SMS hardware class inherits four additional properties from SMS_G_System_Current.
  • The SMS hardware classes do not support the Win32 class methods.
  • Many of the SMS hardware classes contain a subset of the Win32 class properties.

Most of the definitions for the following SMS hardware classes are contained in the WMI Win32 classes documentation except for SMS_G_System_PC_ANALYSER, SMS_G_System_SYSTEM, and SMS_G_System_WORKSTATION_STATUS, which are not part of the Win32 class schema.

Class Description
SMS_G_System_ACCOUNT Contains information about a user or group account.
SMS_G_System_BASE_SERVICE Represents any service or process not owned by a specific user that provides an interface to some functionality supported by the system.
SMS_G_System_BOOT_CONFIGURATION Represents information required to restart a client computer. This information can include the Boot directory, Temp directory, and last drive.
SMS_G_System_CDROM Represents client CD-ROM drive information such as manufacturer, media type, and availability.
SMS_G_System_COMPUTER_SYSTEM Represents information about the client computer, such as the status, manufacturer, system role, and the computer name.
SMS_G_System_DESKTOP Contains client computer desktop information, such as the wallpaper and icon spacing.
SMS_G_System_DEVICE_MEMORY_ADDRESS Contains information about a device memory address (DMA).
SMS_G_System_DIRECTORY Represents the actual directories on the disk.
SMS_G_System_DISK Represents physical disk drive information, such as the manufacturer, partitions, and the total number of sectors.
SMS_G_System_DISPLAY_CONFIGURATION Represents client display driver information, such as bits per pel, display frequency, and dither type.
SMS_G_System_DISPLAY_CONTROLLER_CONFIGURATION Provides video adapter configuration information, such as bits per pixel and resolution.
SMS_G_System_DMA_CHANNEL Contains information about a specific DMA channel on a client computer. This class is not included in a default hardware inventory operation.
SMS_G_System_DRIVER_VXD Identifies a virtual device driver on a Microsoft® Win32® system.
SMS_G_System_ENVIRONMENT Represents an environment or system variable on the client computer.
SMS_G_System_GROUP Models user groups.
SMS_G_System_IRQ Represents an interrupt request line (IRQ) number such as IRQ 5.
SMS_G_System_KEYBOARD_DEVICE Describes a client computer's keyboard characteristics.
SMS_G_System_LOAD_ORDER_GROUP Represents a grouping of system services that define execution dependencies.
SMS_G_System_LOGICAL_DISK Represents information about a logical disk drive on a client computer, such as the volume name and file system.
SMS_G_System_MODEM_DEVICE Represents a plain old telephone service (POTS) modem.
SMS_G_System_MOTHERBOARD_DEVICE Represents client computer motherboard information, such as the primary and secondary bus types on the client computer.
SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER Represents client computer network adapter information, such as the type of adapter.
SMS_G_System_NETWORK_ADAPTER_CONFIGURATION Represents the configuration information of a network adapter.
SMS_G_System_NETWORK_CLIENT Represents a client computer on a network.
SMS_G_System_NETWORK_CONNECTION Models a network connection.
SMS_G_System_NETWORK_LOGIN_PROFILE Contains the network login information of a specific user.
SMS_G_System_NT_EVENTLOG_FILE Contains information about a Windows log file on a client computer.
SMS_G_System_NT_LOG_EVENT Contains events taken from Windows log files.
SMS_G_System_OPERATING_SYSTEM Represents any operating system that can be installed on a Win32 system.
SMS_G_System_OS_RECOVERYCONFIGURATION Contains information about how a client computer's operating system responds to a failure or recovery situation.
SMS_G_System_PAGE_FILE Contains information about a client computer's paging file.
SMS_G_System_PARALLEL_PORT Represents information about a parallel port on a client computer.
SMS_G_System_PARTITION Represents an area of a physical disk on a Win32 system.
SMS_G_System_PC_ANALYSER Instances of this class represent products found by the PC analyser that were also listed in its year 2000 compliance database.
SMS_G_System_PC_BIOS Contains information about the BIOS of a client computer.
SMS_G_System_POINTING_DEVICE Represents a device used to point to regions on the display, such as a mouse, stylus, or tablet.
SMS_G_System_PORT Contains information about a specific port on a client computer system.
SMS_G_System_POWER_SUPPLY Contains information on the uninterruptable power supply (UPS).
SMS_G_System_PRINTER_CONFIGURATION Represents printer configuration information, such as orientation, paper size, and print resolution.
SMS_G_System_PRINTER_DEVICE Represents information about the capabilities and status of a printer.
SMS_G_System_PRINT_JOB Contains information about print jobs pending on a client printer.
SMS_G_System_PROCESS Represents information about a process running on a client machine.
SMS_G_System_PROCESSOR Represents client processor information, including the family, manufacturer, and version number.
SMS_G_System_PROGRAM_GROUP Models a program group on the desktop.
SMS_G_System_PROTOCOL Represents information about a network protocol installed on a client computer.
SMS_G_System_REGISTRY Models information about the Windows registry on a client.
SMS_G_System_SCSI_CONTROLLER Represents a SCSI controller on a client computer.
SMS_G_System_SERIAL_PORT Represents client computer serial port information.
SMS_G_System_SERIAL_PORT_CONFIGURATION Represents information about the serial port configuration on the client computer, such as baud rates, parity values, and stop bits.
SMS_G_System_SERVICE Represents a service running on a client computer.
SMS_G_System_SHARE Represents a shared directory on a Win32 system.
SMS_G_System_SOUND_DEVICE Contains information about sound-generation devices.
SMS_G_System_SYSTEM Contains information about a client computer's system.
SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_ACCOUNT Contains information about the Win32 system.
SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_DRIVER Represents the system driver for a base service.
SMS_G_System_SYSTEM_MEMORY_RESOURCE Represents memory information such as starting address, ending address and installation date.
SMS_G_System_TAPE_DRIVE Represents a tape drive attached to a client computer.
SMS_G_System_TIME_ZONE Represents the time zone set for a client computer.
SMS_G_System_USER Contains information about an individual user account.
SMS_G_System_VIDEO Represents information about a client video subsystem. This information includes the adapter type, the chip type, the color resolution, and installed display drivers.
SMS_G_System_WORKSTATION_STATUS Special inventory class that does not actually exist as a Win32 class. It contains information about when inventory was last collected on a client computer.
SMS_G_System_X86_PC_MEMORY Represents client memory configuration information, such as page file space and virtual memory.