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Computer.InsertEvents Method

Submits custom events on behalf of the computer.

 public void InsertEvents(
    CustomEvent[] eventsToInsert


  • eventsToInsert
    The events to submit.


Exception Type Condition
System.UnauthorizedAccessException The user does not have permissions for these objects or the value of the computer's Type property was not ComputerTypes.NonWindows.
System.ArgumentNullException A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) was passed to the method.


This method only inserts MOM events for programmatically added (non-Windows) computers. Other computers should use the common COM or .NET Framework instrumentation APIs to create Windows NT event log entries.


Platforms: Requires Windows 2000 Server or later

Version: Requires MOM 2005 or later

Namespace: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom

Assembly: Microsoft.Mom.Sdk (in Microsoft.Mom.Sdk.dll)

See Also

Computer Class | Computer Members | CustomEvent Class