Creating a Distribution Point
You only need to define a distribution point for a package if the package contains source files (PkgSourcePath). The package is not advertised until the program source files have been propagated to a distribution point share. You can use the default distribution point share or you can specify a share to use. You can specify more than one distribution point to use to distribute your package's source files.
The following example shows you how to assign a distribution point (SMS_DistributionPoint) for a package. This example continues the example started in Creating a Package and Programs Using SMS Classes.
This example assumes the IWbemServices and IWbemContext (context qualifiers) objects have been created. For information on connecting to SMS, see Connecting to the SMS Namespace. For information on creating a context object, see SMS Context Qualifiers.
[C/C++] HRESULT AssigningADistributionPoint(IWbemServices* &pServices;,IWbemContext* pSMSContext, _bstr_t bstrPackageId) { HRESULT hr; _variant_t vTemp; IWbemClassObject *pclsDistPoint = NULL; //SMS_DistributionPoint class IWbemClassObject *pinstDistPoint = NULL; //and instance IWbemClassObject *pinstResource = NULL; //Contains the NALPath IEnumWbemClassObject *penumResourceList= NULL; //Enumeration from query IWbemClassObject *pinstSite = NULL; //Site data unsigned long ulReturned; char *pszQuery = "SELECT * FROM SMS_SystemResourceList " "WHERE RoleName = \"SMS Distribution Point\" " "AND SiteCode = \"YOURSITECODE\"" "AND ServerName = \"YOURSERVERNAME\""; try { hr = pServices->GetObject(_bstr_t(L"SMS_DistributionPoint"), 0, NULL, &pclsDistPoint;, 0); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pclsDistPoint->SpawnInstance(0, &pinstDistPoint;); pclsDistPoint->Release(); pclsDistPoint=NULL; if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; //Associates the package with a distribution point. vTemp = bstrPackageId; hr = pinstDistPoint->Put(L"PackageID", 0, &vTemp;, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; //Get the ServerNALPath value for the distribution point from //SMS_SystemResourceList. This example gets the distribution //point for a specific site and server - only one instance is //returned. If you want to distribute to all distribution points //for a site, remove ServerName from the WHERE clause and add a loop //construct to handle the multiple instances returned from the query. hr = pServices->ExecQuery(_bstr_t(L"WQL"), _bstr_t(pszQuery), WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY | WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &penumResourceList;); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = CoSetProxyBlanket(penumResourceList, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = penumResourceList->Next(WBEM_INFINITE, 1, &pinstResource;, &ulReturned;); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw; hr = pinstResource->Get(L"NALPath", 0, &vTemp;, NULL, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pinstDistPoint->Put(L"ServerNALPath", 0, &vTemp;, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pinstResource->Get(L"SiteCode", 0, &vTemp;, NULL, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pinstDistPoint->Put(L"SiteCode", 0, &vTemp;, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; penumResourceList->Release(); pinstResource->Release(); penumResourceList=NULL; pinstResource=NULL; // Get the SiteName of the site hr = pServices->GetObject(_bstr_t(L"SMS_Site.SiteCode=\"YOURSITECODEHERE\""), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_WBEM_COMPLETE, NULL, &pinstSite;, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pinstSite->Get(L"SiteName", 0, &vTemp;, NULL, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; hr = pinstDistPoint->Put(L"SiteName", 0, &vTemp;, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; pinstSite->Release(); pinstSite=NULL; hr = pServices->PutInstance(pinstDistPoint, 0, pSMSContext, NULL); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) throw hr; pinstDistPoint->Release(); pinstDistPoint=NULL; } catch (...) { if (pclsDistPoint!=NULL) pclsDistPoint->Release(); if (pinstResource != NULL) pinstResource->Release(); if (penumResourceList!=NULL) penumResourceList->Release(); if (pinstSite!=NULL) pinstSite->Release(); if (pinstDistPoint!=NULL) pinstDistPoint->Release(); } return hr; }
[Visual Basic]
This example assumes the SWbemServices and SWbemNamedValueSet (context qualifiers) objects have been created. For information on connecting to SMS, see Connecting to the SMS Namespace. For information on creating a context object, see SMS Context Qualifiers.
[Visual Basic] Dim instDistPoint As SWbemObject 'SMS_DistributionPoint instance Dim NALPath As String Dim instResources As SWbemObjectSet 'NAL paths to the distribution points Dim instResource As SWbemObject 'are in SMS_SystemResourceList Dim instSite As SWbemObject 'SMS_Site instance Dim Query As String Set instDistPoint = Services.Get("SMS_DistributionPoint").SpawnInstance_ 'Associates the package with a distribution point. instDistPoint.PackageID = PackageID 'Query SMS_SystemResourceList for the distribution points defined for your SMS 'system. Your system can have more than one distribution point defined for a site. 'This query selects a single distribution point based on the given SiteCode 'and ServerName. Query = "SELECT * FROM SMS_SystemResourceList " & _ "WHERE RoleName=""SMS Distribution Point"" & _ "AND SiteCode=""<sitecode>""" & _ "AND ServerName=""<servername>""" Set instResources = Services.ExecQuery(Query, , wbemFlagForwardOnly Or wbemFlagReturnImmediately) 'Query returns only one instance. For Each instResource In instResources instDistPoint.ServerNALPath = instResource.NALPath instDistPoint.SiteCode = instResource.SiteCode Set instSite = Services.Get("SMS_Site.SiteCode="" & instResource.SiteCode & """") instDistPoint.SiteName = instSite.SiteName Next 'Create the distribution point instance for the package. instDistPoint.Put_ , SMSContext