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Using CommandLine Substitution to Connect to the SMS Namespace

In most cases, your application can get all the information it needs to log onto the local namespace from the console. Nodes that contian a WBEM subject include the __Server and __Namespace system properties. You can pass this information to your application as command-line options. For example:

"CommandLine"="ApplicationName /Namespace=\\\\##SUB:__Server##\\##SUB:__Namespace##"

You can determine whether a node contains a WBEM subject by viewing the Node Information property sheet for the node. If the node contains a WBEM subject, the property sheet contains the string, "Wbem Subject (Clone):", followed by the instance data for the node. If the node does not contain a WBEM subject, the string, "Wbem Subject (Clone):", is followed by "No WBEM Subject".