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MessageSettings.SourceHost Property


Gets or sets the host name from which the message is sourced. The default value is the NetBIOS name of the local computer, but can be any value.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Framework
Assembly:  Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging (in Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.dll)


    IgnoreForSender = new Type[] { ... })]
public string SourceHost { get; set; }
    IgnoreForSender = new array<Type^>^ { ... })]
property String^ SourceHost {
    String^ get();
    void set(String^ value);
    IgnoreForSender := New Type() { ... })>
Public Property SourceHost As String

Property Value

Type: System.String

The name of the source host.

See Also

MessageSettings Class
Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.Messaging.Framework Namespace

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