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Device Management Node in Essentials

Applies To: System Center Essentials 2010

Use the Device Management node of the Essentials 2010 console Administration pane to perform the post-installation configuration of agent-managed computers and network devices. For more information about these managed objects, see Managing Computers and Devices in Essentials.


For information about configuring settings for a management group, which can also be referred to as configuring global settings, see Settings Node in Essentials.

Agent-Managed Computers

Use the Agent Managed node of the Essentials 2010 console Administration pane to perform the following tasks on the selected agent-managed computer:

Network Devices

Use the Network Devices node of the Essentials 2010 console Administration pane to perform the following tasks on the selected network devices and computers running operating systems other than a Windows operating system.

Pending Management

An agent installed with MOMagent.msi needs to be approved for the management group if the management group or the primary management server for the agent is configured to Review new manual agent installations in pending management view, but not Auto-approve new manually installed agents.

See Also


How to Open a View for an Essentials Managed Object


Views in Essentials