Cmdlet Reference
Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager
The following list contains links to the help topics for Microsoft System Center 2012 Configuration Manager cmdlets.
Name | Description |
Adds an Application Catalog web service point to Configuration Manager. |
Adds an Application Catalog website point to a Configuration Manager site. |
Installs an Asset Intelligence synchronization point. |
Assigns boundaries to a boundary group. |
Adds a deployment type for an application. |
Adds device affinity to a Configuration Manager user. |
Adds a direct membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager device collection. |
Adds an exclude membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager device collections. |
Adds an include membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager device collections. |
Adds a query membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager device collections. |
Associates a Configuration Manager device collection with an administrative user. |
Associates a device collection with a distribution point group. |
Creates a distribution point. |
Adds a distribution point to a distribution point group. |
Adds a device driver to a driver package. |
Adds a site system role for Endpoint Protection. |
Adds an enrollment point to Configuration Manager. |
Adds an enrollment proxy point to Configuration Manager. |
Adds a fallback status point to a Configuration Manager site. |
Adds a management point to Configuration Manager. |
Adds an out of band service point to Configuration Manager. |
Adds a reporting service point to Configuration Manager. |
Adds a security role to an administrative user or group in Configuration Manager. |
Adds a security scope to an administrative user or group in Configuration Manager. |
Adds a software update point for Configuration Manager. |
Adds a software update to a software update group in Configuration Manager. |
Adds a state migration point in Configuration Manager. |
Adds a validator point for system health in Configuration Manager. |
Adds a primary user to one or more devices in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Adds a direct membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager user collections. |
Adds an exclude membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager user collections. |
Adds an include membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager user collections. |
Adds a query membership rule to one or more Configuration Manager user collections. |
Adds a user collection to an administrative user in Configuration Manager. |
Associates members of a user collection to a distribution point group. |
Approves a request to allow the installation of an application. |
Approves Configuration Manager device clients. |
Approves a request for user device affinity in Configuration Manager. |
Blocks a certificate. |
Creates a blocked Configuration Manager record for client that has a conflicting record. |
Blocks Configuration Manager client devices. |
Clears audit log entries for Intel AMT-based computers. |
Clears a Configuration Manager client operation object. |
Changes the component status message count to zero. |
Deletes historical data about a data migration operation. |
Removes a schedule for updating an operating system image. |
Clears the status of the most recent PXE deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Clears the message count in Configuration Manager. |
Converts schedule tokens into and from interval strings. |
Renames a certificate profile. |
Renames a remote connection profile. |
Creates a custom security role. |
Renames a root certificate profile. |
Creates a copy of a user data and profile configuration item. |
Renames a VPN profile. |
Renames a wireless profile. |
Denies a request to allow the installation of an application. |
Denies a request for user device affinity in Configuration Manager. |
Disables alerts in Configuration Manager. |
Disables audit logging for Intel AMT-based computers. |
Disables configuration baselines. |
Disables a software driver or a device driver. |
Disables programs in Configuration Manager packages. |
Disables Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Disables Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Disables a Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Disables a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Enables Configuration Manager alerts. |
Enables audit logging for Intel AMT-based computers. |
Enables automatic provisioning of AMT-based computers. |
Enables configuration baselines. |
Enables a software driver or a device driver. |
Enables programs in Configuration Manager packages. |
Enables Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Enables Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Enables a Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Enables a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Exports an antimalware policy for Endpoint Protection. |
Exports an application from Configuration Manager. |
Exports configuration baselines. |
Saves a Configuration Manager configuration item to a file. |
Exports a device collection. |
Exports driver packages. |
Exports a Configuration Manager package. |
Exports a security role to an XML file. |
Exports a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Exports a user collection in Configuration Manager. |
Gets an access account. |
Gets license usage information. |
Gets one or more Active Directory forest objects. |
Gets Configuration Manager sites that publish data to AD DS. |
Gets Configuration Manager administrative users. |
Gets Configuration Manager alerts. |
Gets one or more alert subscription objects. |
Gets antimalware policies for Endpoint Protection. |
Gets properties of an application in Configuration Manager. |
Gets an Application Catalog web service point. |
Gets a Configuration Manager Application Catalog website point. |
Gets a Configuration Manager object that represents the revision history for an application. |
Gets a request to allow the installation of an application. |
Gets application information and deployment types from an App-v5 package file. |
Gets an App-V virtual environment. |
Gets an item from the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Gets Asset Intelligence synchronization points. |
Gets the automatic provisioning status of computers with an AMT management controller. |
Gets configuration baselines. |
Gets the summarization schedule for configuration baseline data. |
Gets the XML definition of a configuration baseline. |
Gets an operating system boot image. |
Gets a boundary. |
Gets a boundary group. |
Gets configuration categories in Configuration Manager. |
Gets a certificate profile. |
Gets all client notification tasks. |
Gets an object that installs a Configuration Manager client by using client push. |
Gets client settings. |
Gets client status settings. |
Gets a schedule interval of the client status update task. |
Gets cloud-based distribution points. |
Gets how often Configuration Manager evaluates collection membership. |
Gets component status messages in Configuration Manager. |
Gets Configuration Manager component status settings. |
Gets Configuration Manager computer associations. |
Gets Configuration Manager configuration items. |
Gets the previous versions of a configuration item in Configuration Manager. |
Gets an XML definition of a configuration item in Configuration Manager. |
Gets conflicting Configuration Manager record objects. |
Gets an object that represents a Configuration Manager database. |
Gets a replication link between a Configuration Manager parent site and child site. |
Gets the status for database replication. |
Gets a summary of Configuration Manager deployments. |
Gets information about deployment packages on a distribution point. |
Gets the status of classic software distribution deployments. |
Gets the deployment type of an application. |
Gets a device of the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets one or more device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the direct membership rules of device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the exclude membership rules from one or more device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the include membership rules from one or more device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the query membership rules from one or more device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the task sequence variables for a device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarcy. |
Gets device variables. |
Gets a discovery method for Configuration Manager. |
Gets a distribution point. |
Gets distribution point groups. |
Gets a software driver or a device driver. |
Gets a driver package. |
Gets an email notification components. |
Gets an Endpoint Protection point. |
Gets an Endpoint Protection summarization schedule. |
Gets an enrollment point. |
Gets an enrollment proxy point. |
Gets a Configuration Manager Exchange Server object. |
Gets a Configuration Manager fallback status point. |
Gets a file replication route from Configuration Manager. |
Gets global condition objects. |
Gets Configuration Manager hardware requirements for products. |
Gets the maintenance windows for a collection. |
Gets a management point. |
Gets a component for a Configuration Manager management point. |
Gets collections selected for migration. |
Gets a migration entity in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Gets a dependency for a migration entity in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Gets operating system images. |
Retrieves an operating system image update schedule object in Configuration Manager. |
Gets operating system installers. |
Gets an out of band management component. |
Gets an out-of-band service point. |
Gets Configuration Manager packages. |
Gets programs in Configuration Manager. |
Gets the maximum number of rows that a Configuration Manager report query can return. |
Gets remote connection profiles. |
Gets XML definitions for remote connection profiles. |
Gets a reporting service point. |
Gets security roles. |
Gets security scopes. |
Gets one or more Configuration Manager sites. |
Provides information about Configuration Manager installation status. |
Gets maintenance tasks in Configuration Manager. |
Gets site system status messages. |
Retrieves an object that represents a site system server in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Gets an object that represents a software distribution component in Configuration Manager. |
Retrieves an object that collects software inventory data in Configuration Manager. |
Gets Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Gets Configuration Manager software metering settings. |
Retrieves configuration settings for software updates. |
Gets Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Gets a client installation on a Configuration Manager software update point. |
Retrieves a deployment package. |
Gets software update groups. |
Gets a EULA or SLT for a software update in Configuration Manager. |
Gets a Configuration Manager software update point. |
Retrieves a software update point component in Configuration Manager. |
Displays the Configuration Manager schedule for software update summarization. |
Gets a state migration point for a Configuration Manager site. |
Gets Configuration Manager filter rules for status messages. |
Gets Configuration Manager status message queries or displays messages. |
Gets an object representing a status reporting component. |
Gets a status summarizer object for Configuration Manager. |
Gets a system health validator point for Configuration Manager. |
Retrieves an object that represents a system health validator point in Configuration Manager. |
Gets Configuration Manager task sequences. |
Gets a trusted root certificate for Configuration Manager. |
Gets root certificate profiles. |
Gets a user of the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets one or more user collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the direct membership rules of one or more user collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the exclude membership rules from one or more user collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the include membership rules from one or more user collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets the query membership rules from one or more user collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Gets user data and profiles configuration items. |
Gets the XML definition file for user data and profile configuration items. |
Gets user device affinities. |
Gets a request for user device affinity in Configuration Manager. |
Gets VHD images. |
Gets a VPN profile. |
Gets Windows Firewall policies for Endpoint Protection. |
Gets wireless profiles. |
Imports an antimalware policy for Endpoint Protection. |
Imports an application in Configuration Manager. |
Imports Configuration Manager baselines. |
Imports a certificate. |
Imports computer information into a Configuration Manager database. |
Imports Configuration Manager configuration items. |
Imports a device collection. |
Imports device drivers into the driver catalog. |
Imports a driver package. |
Imports a Configuration Manager package. |
Imports a security role into Configuration Manager. |
Imports a software license. |
Imports a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Imports a user collection in Configuration Manager. |
Imports a file that contains user and device affinities to Configuration Manager. |
Installs a Configuration Manager client. |
Checks whether computers have Intel AMT hardware. |
Updates configuration baseline data. |
Sends a notification to client computers to trigger an immediate client action. |
Performs a Configuration Manager client operations summarization. |
Validates packages on a distribution point. |
Runs a Configuration Manager deployment summarization. |
Starts an update operation for a device collection. |
Retires devices. |
Performs a wipe of a modern device. |
Invokes a scan to detect malware on one or more devices in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Retrieves summary status data about Endpoint Protection. |
Starts a forest discovery operation in Active Directory. |
Enables remote control on computers. |
Invokes a report about data and operations in Configuration Manager. |
Invokes a secondary site upgrade. |
Runs a Configuration Manager deployment rule for automatic software updates. |
Runs the Configuration Manager software update summarization. |
Invokes an update to a user collection. |
Locks global objects in Configuration Manager. |
Merges antimalware policies for Endpoint Protection. |
Merges a new Configuration Manager client record with a conflicting client record. |
Moves a Configuration Manager object into a different folder. |
Adds users or groups to an access account. |
Creates a Configuration Manager user account. |
Creates one or more Active Directory forest objects in Configuration Manager. |
Creates an administrative user for Configuration Manager. |
Creates an alert subscription object. |
Creates an AMT Discovery and Provisioning Account. |
Creates an object that specifies antimalware policies. |
Creates an application in Configuration Manager. |
Creates an App-V virtual environment. |
Creates an item for the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Creates a Configuration Manager baseline. |
Adds a new operating system boot image. |
Creates a new boundary. |
Creates a new boundary group. |
Creates a configuration category in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a certificate profile. |
Creates customized client settings. |
Creates a cloud distribution point. |
Creates an association between two computers in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a configuration item. |
Creates a collection for devices and adds the collection to the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Creates a task sequence variable for a device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Creates a device variable. |
Creates a distribution point group. |
Creates a driver package. |
Creates a Client Access server role for an Exchange Server. |
Configures a new Exchange Server connector. |
Configures access settings for a mobile device that uses a Microsoft Exchange Server connector. |
Creates application-related settings for a mobile device that uses a Microsoft Exchange Server connector. |
Creates a set of email management settings for a mobile device that uses an Exchange Server connector. |
Adds new settings to a Microsoft Exchange Server connector in Configuration Manager. |
Adds new password settings to a Microsoft Exchange Server connector in Configuration Manager. |
Configures security options for a Microsoft Exchange Server connector in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a file replication route for Configuration Manager. |
Creates a global condition in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a Configuration Manager hardware requirement object for a product. |
Creates an installation source file for Configuration Manager. |
Creates a maintenance window for a collection. |
Creates a migration job in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Creates an operating system image. |
Adds an operating system installer. |
Creates a Configuration Manager package. |
Creates a new program in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a remote connection profile. |
Creates a schedule token. |
Creates a secondary site in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a security scope. |
Creates an object that represents a site system server in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a Configuration Manager software metering rule. |
Creates Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Creates a software update group. |
Creates a SQL Server settings object in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a rule in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a status message query. |
Creates a new storage folder in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a task sequence. |
Creates task sequence media in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Creates a root certificate profile. |
Creates a collection for users and adds the collection to the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Creates a user data and profile configuration item. |
Creates a VHD image. |
Creates a virtual environment group. |
Creates a VPN profile. |
Creates a new Windows Firewall policy in Configuration Manager. |
Creates a profile that specifies settings for AMT-based computers on a wired network. |
Creates a wireless profile. |
Creates a profile that specifies settings for AMT-based computers on a wireless network. |
Publishes files to a distribution point. |
Distributes the content that a task sequence uses to a distribution point. |
Removes users or groups from an access account. |
Removes a specified user. |
Removes an Active Directory forest object from Configuration Manager. |
Removes Configuration Manager administrative users. |
Removes Configuration Manager alerts. |
Removes an alert subscription object. |
Removes provisioning information for an Intel AMT computer. |
Removes an antimalware policy for Endpoint Protection. |
Removes an application in Configuration Manager. |
Removes an Application Catalog web service point. |
Removes a Configuration Manager Application Catalog website point. |
Removes a revision history from a Configuration Manager application. |
Removes an App-V virtual environment. |
Removes an item from the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Removes an Asset Intelligence synchronization point. |
Removes configuration baselines. |
Removes an operating system boot image. |
Removes a boundary. |
Removes a Configuration Manager boundary from a boundary group. |
Removes a boundary group. |
Removes a configuration category in Configuration Manager. |
Removes a certificate profile. |
Removes a Configuration Manager client operation object. |
Removes client settings. |
Removes cloud-based distribution points. |
Deletes a computer association from Configuration Manager. |
Removes configuration items from Configuration Manager. |
Removes packages from a distribution point. |
Removes a Configuration Manager application deployment. |
Removes a deployment type. |
Removes Configuration Manager client devices. |
Removes device affinity from a Configuration Manager user. |
Removes device collections from the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a direct membership rule from one or more device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes an exclude membership rule from one or more device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes the association between an administrative user and a device collection. |
Removes the association between a device collection and a distribution point group. |
Removes an include membership rule from one or more device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a query membership rule from one or more device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a task sequence variable that is associated with a device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a variable defined for a device. |
Removes a distribution point. |
Removes a Configuration Manager distribution point from a distribution point group. |
Removes distribution point groups. |
Removes a software driver or a device driver. |
Removes a driver from a driver package. |
Removes a driver package. |
Removes an Endpoint Protection point. |
Removes an enrollment point. |
Removes an enrollment proxy point. |
Removes an Exchange Server object from Configuration Manager. |
Removes a Configuration Manager fallback status point. |
Removes a file replication route from Configuration Manager. |
Removes a global condition object. |
Removes Configuration Manager hardware requirement objects for products. |
Removes a maintenance window. |
Removes a management point. |
Removes operating system images. |
Removes operating system installers. |
Removes an out-of-band service point. |
Removes a Configuration Manager package. |
Removes programs from a Configuration Manager package. |
Removes a remote connection profile. |
Removes a reporting service point. |
Removes a secondary site from Configuration Manager. |
Removes custom security roles from Configuration Manager. |
Removes the association between a security role and an administrative user. |
Removes a security scope. |
Removes the association between security scopes and an administrative user. |
Removes Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Removes Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Removes a deployment package. |
Removes Configuration Manager software update groups. |
Removes a software update point site system role from Configuration Manager. |
Removes a state migration point from a Configuration Manager site. |
Removes a specified Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Removes a Configuration Manager status message query. |
Removes a system health validator point from Configuration Manager. |
Removes a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Removes a root certificate profile. |
Removes Configuration Manager user accounts. |
Removes a primary user from one or more devices in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes user collections from the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a direct membership rule from one or more user collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes an exclude membership rule from one or more user collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a user collection from an administrative user in Configuration Manager. |
Removes a user collection from a distribution point group in Configuration Manager. |
Removes an include membership rule from one or more user collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes a query membership rule from one or more user collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Removes user data and profile configuration items. |
Removes VHD images. |
Removes a VPN profile. |
Removes Windows Firewall policies for Endpoint Protection. |
Removes wireless profiles. |
Resolves a conflict in Configuration Manager software inventory information. |
Restores a previous version of a Configuration Manager application from the application revision history. |
Resumes an application in Configuration Manager. |
Saves database replication diagnostic information for Configuration Manager in a file. |
Saves an Endpoint Protection definition. |
Saves Configuration Manager software updates. |
Requests a catalog update for uncategorized software titles. |
Modifies the properties of an access account. |
Sets a Configuration Manager user account. |
Changes Active Directory forest properties in Configuration Manager. |
Changes properties of Configuration Manager alerts. |
Changes the properties of an alert subscription. |
Changes configuration settings for an antimalware policy for Endpoint Protection. |
Sets properties of an application in Configuration Manager. |
Changes the settings of an Application Catalog website point. |
Modifies properties for an application deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Changes settings for virtual applications that you have deployed by using Configuration Manager. |
Changes the properties of an item in the Asset Intelligence catalog. |
Modifies the Asset Intelligence hardware inventory reporting classes. |
Enables or disables an Asset Intelligence synchronization point. |
Assigns a client computer to a primary site. |
Changes the settings of configuration baselines. |
Changes settings for a Configuration Manager baseline deployment. |
Configures the summarization schedule for configuration baseline data. |
Modifies an operating system boot image. |
Modifies boundary settings. |
Modifies the properties of a boundary group. |
Modifies a certificate profile. |
Changes settings of a client push installation. |
Changes client settings for Configuration Manager devices and users. |
Modifies client status settings. |
Modifies the schedule interval of the client status update task. |
Changes settings for a cloud-based distribution point. |
Sets how often Configuration Manager evaluates collections for membership. |
Changes settings for a computer association in Configuration Manager. |
Changes settings for a Configuration Manager configuration item. |
Creates a configuration policy deployment. |
Changes database settings for a Configuration Manager database. |
Changes configuration settings for a database replication link. |
Changes a deployment type. |
Sets the properties of one or more device collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Sets the properties of a task sequence variable of a device collection in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Configures ownership type for a device. |
Modifies a device variable. |
Changes configuration settings of a discovery method. |
Modifies a Configuration Manager distribution point on a site system server. |
Changes the configuration settings of distribution point groups. |
Changes the settings of a device driver. |
Adds a driver to a boot image or removes a driver from a boot image. |
Modifies a driver package |
Changes configuration settings of an email notification component. |
Modifies a site system role for Endpoint Protection. |
Modifies an Endpoint Protection summarization schedule. |
Sets an enrollment point in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Changes settings for an Exchange server. |
Changes the throttle interval or the message count for a Configuration Manager fallback status point. |
Changes settings for a file replication route in Configuration Manager. |
Modifies settings for a Configuration Manager global condition. |
Changes Configuration Manager hardware requirement settings for a product. |
Modifies a maintenance window. |
Changes settings for a management point in Configuration Manager. |
Sets a component for a management point in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Edits the global exclusion list for migration jobs. |
Specifies or changes settings for a migration source site in Configuration Manager. |
Changes configuration settings of operating system images. |
Sets a schedule for an operating system image update in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Changes configuration settings of operating system installers. |
Sets the site system server that hosts the out of band management role in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Changes configuration settings for an out-of-band service point. |
Changes configuration settings for Configuration Manager packages. |
Changes values that define how Configuration Manager deploys a software package. |
Changes power state for client devices by using AMT power control commands. |
Modifies a program in Configuration Manager. |
Changes the setting for the query result maximum. |
Modifies a remote connection profile. |
Modifies a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager reporting service point. |
Changes configuration settings of a security role. |
Changes configuration settings of a security scope. |
Changes security scope settings for Configuration Manager sites. |
Changes settings for a Configuration Manager maintenance task. |
Modifies an object that represents a site system server in System Center 2012 Configuration Manager. |
Sets properties of a software distribution component in Configuration Manager. |
Modifies an object that collects software inventory data on files. |
Changes properties and security scopes for Configuration Manager software metering rules. |
Configures Configuration Manager software metering properties. |
Changes configuration settings for software updates. |
Modifies Configuration Manager deployment rules for automatic software updates. |
Modifies a client installation on a Configuration Manager software update point. |
Modifies a software update deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Modifies a software update deployment package. |
Changes configuration settings for software update groups in Configuration Manager. |
Changes settings for a Configuration Manager software update point. |
Modifies a software update point. |
Sets how often Configuration Manager summarizes the status of updates. |
Modifies settings for a state migration point in Configuration Manager. |
Modifies settings for a Configuration Manager filter rule for status messages. |
Changes settings or security scope or deletes messages for a Configuration Manager status message query. |
Sets an object representing a status reporting component. |
Modifies settings of a Configuration Manager status summarizer. |
Modifies settings of a Configuration Manager system health validator point. |
Modifies a Configuration Manager task sequence. |
Creates a task sequence deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Sets a root certificate profile. |
Sets the properties of one or more user collections in the Configuration Manager hierarchy. |
Modifies a user data and profile configuration item. |
Modifies VHD images. |
Modifies a VPN profile. |
Changes settings of a Windows Firewall policy. |
Modifies a wireless profile. |
Starts the deployment of an antimalware policy to the members of a Configuration Manager collection. |
Starts an application deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Starts an application deployment simulation in Configuration Manager. |
Starts deployment of a Configuration Manager baseline configuration to a collection of computers. |
Deploys client settings to devices in a collection. |
Starts the cloud distribution point service. |
Deploys policies for a Configuration Manager collection. |
Copies content to distribution points. |
Upgrades a shared distribution point. |
Starts deployment of a software package to a Configuration Manager collection. |
Initiates a software update deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Starts a task sequence deployment in Configuration Manager. |
Stops the cloud distribution point service. |
Suspends monitoring alerts. |
Suspends an application in Configuration Manager. |
Synchronizes the Asset Intelligence catalog with System Center Online. |
Synchronizes Configuration Manager mobile device information with an Exchange Server. |
Retrieves metadata for software updates. |
Unblocks certificates. |
Unblocks Configuration Manager client devices. |
Unblocks a threat. |
Stops collecting software inventory data on files. |
Releases locks to global objects in Configuration Manager. |
Updates provisioning for an Intel AMT-based computer. |
Updates the statistics for an application. |
Updates a certificate. |
Updates client status. |
Updates distribution points with the latest content. |