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Directly Authoring a Management Pack File to Manage Projectors

Applies To: System Center Service Manager 2010

Management packs are used to direct and extend the functionality of Service Manager. This topic uses projectors as an example for describing the various sections of a management pack, and for defining the various objects that are needed for managing projectors in an organization.

This topic includes a complete management pack sample with the necessary extensions to manage projectors in an organization. Also, it describes how to import a management pack using a PowerShell cmdlet.

After you create the ServiceManager.Projector management pack that is described in this topic, you can use it in the Projector Sample Scenario - Authoring a Report to Display Schema Extensions scenario.

This topic describes the following sections of a management pack:

  • The Manifest

  • TypeDefinitions to create classes enumerations and relationships

  • Forms

And the following sections of a management pack that contain declarations and definitions for user interface and localization elements:

  • Categories

  • Presentation

  • Class Extensions

The Manifest Section

The first section of a management pack contains the manifest. The manifest identifies the management pack and declares any references to other management packs.

The following example shows the Manifest section of a management pack that was designed to track projectors in an organization.

    <Name>Projector Library</Name>
      <Reference Alias="System">
      <Reference Alias="SMConsole">
      <Reference Alias="Authoring">
      <Reference Alias="SMConfig">


In the <References> section, do not use non-alphanumeric values such as a ‘.’, in the Alias for a reference.

TypeDefinitions Section - Creating a Class

The next section of a management pack contains type definitions. The TypeDefinitions section of a management pack contains definitions for classes, enumerations, and relationships that are used by the management pack.

The following example shows a class that contains information about projectors:

        <ClassType ID="System.ConfigItem.Projector" Base="System!System.ConfigItem" Hosted="false" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false">
          <Property ID="SerialNumber" Type="int" Key="true" />
          <Property ID="Make" Type="string" />
          <Property ID="Model" Type="string"  />
          <Property ID="Location" Type="string" />
          <Property ID="Condition" Type="enum" EnumType="ProjectorCondition"  />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.Working" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.BeingRepaired" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.New" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.Broken" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorViewTasksEnumeration" Accessibility="Public"/>

The following is a section-by-section explanation of what the type definition contains.

The ClassTypes section

The ClassType element defines the projector class:.

<ClassType ID="System.ConfigItem.Projector" Base="System!System.ConfigItem" Hosted="false" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false">

The ID attribute is the unique identifier of this class. It is set to: ID="System.ConfigItem.Projector"

The Base attribute is the ID of the class from which this class derives. Because a projector is a kind of configuration item, this is set to:


The notation of System! indicates that this class, System.ConfigItem, is in the management pack that is referenced by the alias System. For more information, see the References section earlier in this document.

The Hosted attribute defines whether this class is hosted by another class. In this case, an instance of this class can only exist when a host instance exists that contains it. For this example, projectors are not hosted by anything, so the Hosted attribute is set to false:


Setting the Hosted attribute to true indicates that the class is hosted by another class. A hosting relationship must be declared in the RelationshipTypes section.

The Accessibility attribute defines whether other classes can derive from this class. In cases where you might want to allow others to create a more specific version of your class, set this attribute to public. For example:


Setting the Accessibility attribute to Private prevents other classes from deriving from this class.

The Abstract attribute defines whether instances of this class can be created, or whether the class should just be used as a parent class to other classes to derive from. In this example, this attribute is set to false. Setting this attribute to true means that no instances of this class can be created directly and that this class can be used only as a parent class.

The next section of the class definition contains the class properties. The XML that defines the class properties for this example are defined in the following code example:

   <Property ID="SerialNumber" Type="int" Key="true" />
   <Property ID="Make" Type="string" />
   <Property ID="Model" Type="string"  />
   <Property ID="Location" Type="string" />
   <Property ID="Condition" Type="enum" EnumType="ProjectorCondition"  />

Each Property element has the following attributes:

  • The ID attribute, which designates the unique identifier of the property.

  • The Type attribute, which indicates the data type of the property.

  • The Key attribute. Setting this attribute to true indicates that this property is to be used to uniquely identify this class.

Creating Enumeration Types

Enumerations of the enum data type are special data types. Enumerations are used to constrain the data that is allowed for a property to a specific set of values. Enumerations can be hierarchical; one enumeration can be based of another enumeration.

Enumerations are defined in the EnumertionTypes section of a solution pack. An enumeration definition contains the root enumeration, followed by the actual enumeration values.

Each EnumerationValue accepts a few attributes:

In this example, an enumeration is defined for keeping track of the condition of the projectors. The following defines this enumeration:

  • ID is the identifier for the enumeration or enumeration value.

  • Accessibility specifies whether this enumerator can contain other enumerators.

  • ParentName is an attribute that specifies the ID of the parent of the enumerator value.

   <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
   <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.Working" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
   <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.BeingRepaired" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
   <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.New" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
   <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.Broken" Parent="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public"/>
   <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorViewTasksEnumeration" Accessibility="Public"/>

Creating a Form

Service Manager forms are based on Windows Presentation Framework (WPF) forms. Service Manager extends WPF with simple attributes that are added to the XML definition and allow Service Manager to bind data from the management pack to the form.

Service Manager forms can be created by using several different tools, including Microsoft Visual Studio or Microsoft Expression Blend. Because the forms are XML-based, they can also be defined by using any XML editor.

The following example shows a form definition that was created by using Microsoft Expression Blend. This form contains four controls, three text boxes and one combo box, that are bound to the Projector class properties that were defined previously:

<UserControl xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:SMFormsDemo" x:Class="SMFormsDemo.TestControl" x:Name="Control" Width="574" Height="390" Opacity="1" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="d" Background="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.WindowBrushKey}}">
      <ObjectDataProvider ObjectType="{x:Type local:helper}" MethodName="GetStatusValues" x:Key="getStatusValues"/>
   <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
      <Label Margin="70,20,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Serial Number:"/>
      <TextBox Margin="180,20,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=SerialNumber, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
      <Label Margin="70,60,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Make:"/>
      <TextBox Margin="180,60,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=Make, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
      <Label Margin="70,100,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Model:"/>
      <TextBox Margin="180,100,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=Model, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
      <Label Margin="70,140,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Location:"/>
      <TextBox Margin="180,140,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=Location, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
      <Label Margin="70,180,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Condition:"/>
      <ComboBox Margin="180,180,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource getStatusValues}, Mode=OneWay }" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
            <Binding Path="Condition" Mode="TwoWay" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
                  <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DisplayName}"/>

To enable binding of controls on the form to class properties that are defined in a management pack, a number of items must be specified.

Binding Text Controls

To bind text boxes to class properties in a management pack, add a Binding Path tag to the text box control’s Text property. For example:

{Binding Path=SerialNumber, Mode=TwoWay}

This tag binds the text box control to the SerialNumber property of the Projector class that was defined in the management pack, and it specifies that this should be a two-way binding. The value of the property is retrieved from the database and displayed in the text box when the form is loaded, and the property value is stored back to the database if it is changed by the user.

Binding Combo Boxes

To allow the form to retrieve enumeration data from the underlying management pack and bind it to a control on the form, a helper class must be defined in the code-behind in the form. This helper class should contain a method that returns an enumeration that is defined in the management pack. This is achieved by using the GetEnumerations method of the current management pack. This instance is accessed with the ConsoleContextHelper class from the Service Manager SDK. In the following example, a helper class defines a GetStatusValues method that retrieves the values for the ProjectorCondition enumeration that was defined in the management pack:

public class helper
   public static ICollection<IDataItem> GetStatusValues()
      return ConsoleContextHelper.Instance.GetEnumerations("ProjectorCondition",true);

To access this method, a few things must be defined in the form definition in the management pack.

First, a namespace that points to the namespace for the code behind for the form is added to the form definition. In this example, the namespace is SMFormsDemo:


Next, an ObjectDataProvider must be defined to provide the values for the combo box that displays the projector status. This ObjectDataProvider is defined as a resource:

      ObjectType="{x:Type local:helper}"  
      x:Key="getStatusValues" />

This data provider specifies the object and method name that retrieves the enumeration values from the management pack.

Finally, to bind the combo box to the enumeration values that are defined in the management pack, an ItemsSource attribute is added to the combo box definition. This attribute specifies where to retrieve the enumeration values. For example:

ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource getStatusValues}, Mode=OneWay }"

Next, SelectedItem and ItemTemplate elements are added to the XAML definition of the combo box control. The following example shows the combo box definition with the binding XAML included:

<ComboBox Margin="180,180,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource getStatusValues}, Mode=OneWay }" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
      <Binding Path="Condition" Mode="TwoWay" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DisplayName}"/>

The Category Section

The Category section of a management pack groups management pack elements together for easier navigation.

The first two <Category> elements in the example are used to control the display of the New and Edit tasks in the Projectors view.

<Category ID="ProjectorViewHasTasks.View" Target="AllProjectorsView" Value="ProjectorViewTasksEnumeration" />
<Category ID="ProjectorViewHasTasks.CreateTask" Target="CreateProjector" Value="ProjectorViewTasksEnumeration" />

The second two Category elements in the example management pack are used to make the projector condition enumeration appear in the Lists view of the Service Manager Console Authoring workspace. This enables the user to customize the values:

<Category ID="Project.ProjectorConditionEnumVisibleCategory" Target="ProjectorCondition" Value="System!VisibleToUser"/>

Adding this category in the following example makes the Edit task appear in the Lists view for the EnumerationValue pointed at in the Target attribute.

<Category ID="Projector.ProjectorConditionCategory" Target="ProjectorCondition" Value="Authoring!Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Authoring.EnumerationViewTasks"/>

The Presentation Section

The Presentation section of a management pack declares and defines user interface-related elements. These include forms declarations, categories, and console tasks.

The Forms section

The Forms section declares forms that are used by your management pack. The following example specifies where to find the form that is defined to display and edit instances of the Projector class. This binds the form to the Projector class that is defined in the management pack:

   <Form TypeName="SMFormsDemo.TestControl"

The following attributes are used in the preceding example:

  • The TypeName attribute contains the namespace and class name of the form.

  • The ID attribute contains the unique identifier of this form instance.

  • The Target attribute contains the name of the class that this form is bound to.

  • The Assembly attribute points to the external resource that contains the form.

  • The Accessibility attribute defines whether this form can be customized.

Defining a view

The Views section of a management pack contains definitions of user interface views. These views can be used to filter and display objects in a management pack.

<View Target="System.ConfigItem.Projector" 
      <Adapter AdapterName="dataportal:EnterpriseManagementObjectAdaptor">
            <Adapter AdapterName="viewframework://adapters/ListDefault">
  <AdvancedListSupportClass DataTypeName="" AdapterName="viewframework://adapters/AdvancedList" FullUpdateAdapter="dataportal:EnterpriseManagementObjectAdapter" FullUpdateFrequency='1' DataSource="mom:ManagementGroup" IsRecurring="true" RecurrenceFrequency="5000"  treaming='true' xmlns="clr-namespace:Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ViewFramework;assembly=Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ViewFramework" xmlns:av="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" >
                <QueryParameter Parameter="TargetClass" Value="System.ConfigItem.Projector"/>
    <Criteria />
            <mux:ColumnCollection xmlns="" xmlns:mux="" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">
              <mux:Column Name="SerialNumber" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=SerialNumber}" Width="100" DisplayName="SerialNumber" Property="SerialNumber" DataType="s:Int32" />
              <mux:Column Name="Location" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Location}" Width="100" DisplayName="Location" Property="Location" DataType="s:String" />
              <mux:Column Name="Condition" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Condition.DisplayName}" Width="100" DisplayName="Condition" Property="Condition.DisplayName" DataType="s:String" />
              <mux:Column Name="DisplayName" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=DisplayName}" Width="100" DisplayName="Display Name" Property="DisplayName" DataType="s:String" />
              <mux:Column Name="OwnerUser" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=OwnerUser.DisplayName}" Width="100" DisplayName="SupportOwner" Property="OwnerUser.DisplayName" DataType="s:String" />

The View Target attribute points to the class that the view will be used to display.

In the preceding example, the Service Manager Console management pack is referenced. This management pack contains a definition of a view type being used. In this instance, the SMConsole!GridViewType view type is defined.

The AdvancedListSupportClass defines a number of parameters, the most important of which is the TargetClass parameter. Set this parameter to the ID of the ClassType that will appear in this view. To display the columns that are properties of the, ClassType, use the Column element and bind it to the PropertyID attribute.

The IsRecurring attribute of the ListSupportClass element determines whether the view auto-refreshes. The RecurrenceFrequency attribute defines the refresh interval in milliseconds. In this example, the refresh interval is set to 1 second, but that is not recommended for production installations.

Defining Folders

Defining a folder determines the location in the navigation tree in which the view is displayed. In this example, a configuration item is defined so that it is only suitable to place the view under the existing folder for configuration items in the Configuration Items workspace:

  <Folder ID="Folder.Projectors" Accessibility="Public" ParentFolder="SMConfig!ServiceManager.Console.ConfigurationManagement.ConfigItem.Root" />
      Folder="Folder.Projectors" />

In the preceding example, the ElementID attribute contains a reference to the view that was created. The Folder attribute points to a Folders.Projectors folder which in turn has its root as defined in the Configuration Management workspace of the Service Manager console. This root folder is defined in the Configuration Management management pack.

The ImageReference element maps the view that was previously created, to an icon that is defined in the Configuration Management namespace:

  <ImageReference ElementID="Folder.Projectors" ImageID="SMConfig!ConfigItemImage16x16" />
  <ImageReference ElementID="AllProjectorsView" ImageID="SMConfig!ConfigItemImage16x16" />

Localization using the LanguagePacks section

The LanaguagePacks section of a management pack defines string resources and mappings for management pack elements.

In the example, the EnumerationValueEnumerationValueProjectorCondition.Working must appear as Working. To do this, display names for each of the following must be defined:

  • View: All projectors

  • Enumerations: working, broken, in repair, new

    <LanguagePack ID="ENU" IsDefault="true">
        <DisplayString ElementID="AllProjectorsView">
          <Name>All Projectors</Name>
          <Description>This displays all projectors</Description>
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.Working">
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.Broken">
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.BeingRepaired">
          <Name>In Repair</Name>
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.New">

You can create additional LanguagePack elements, as necessary, for each additional language you require. The correct display string appears to the user based on the user’s locale.


The Resources section of a management pack contains references to binary resources, which are contained in assemblies that are separate from the management pack. In the following example, a resource is defined that points to the assembly that contains the form that is used by the Projector class:

<Assembly ID="ProjectorFormsAssembly"  
         QualifiedName="SMFormsDemo, Version=" FileName="SMFormsDemo.dll" CreationDate="1900-10-12T13:13:13" ModifiedDate="2008-12-12T12:12:12" />

Class Extensions

A class extension is a class that adds properties to an existing class. In most cases, this existing class is in a sealed management pack. In cases where the existing class is not in a sealed management pack, the class extension must be contained in the same management pack as the class that is being extended.

A class extension inherits the properties of any parent classes. For example:

  • Class A has a property called Property1

  • Class B derives from, or extends, Class A and therefore has a property called Property1. This property is inherited from Class A, the parent, or base class)

  • The definition of Class B adds a property called Property2.

  • Any class extension that derives from Class B will inherit Property1 and Property2.

The following example shows a class extension definition:

         <ClassType ID="IncidentManagmentPack.Extension" Accessibility="Public" Base="Incident!System.WorkItem.Incident" Hosted="false" IsExtensionType="true">
          <Property ID="TimeOnIncident" Type="int" Key="false" />

This class extension extends the System.WorkItem.Incident class, and adds a new property called TimeOnIncident.

The definition for a class extension is similar to that of a class definition. Two attributes of the ClassType element are used to define a class definition: the Base attribute and the IsExtensionType attribute.

The Base attribute specifies the ID of the parent class from which the class extension derives. In this instance, the attribute value is set to Incident!System.WorkItem.Incident. This value contains the Alias of the full management pack name which contain the class being extended, an exclamation point, and then the name of the base class. For more information, see the following example.

The IsExtensionType attribute defines whether this class is an extension of the base class. Because TimeOnIncident is an extension to the Incident class, this property is set to true:


The other option is false, which indicates that it is not an extension of another class, but a new class that inherits from the base. The default value is false, so this attribute does not have to be used if the class is not an extension.

Full Example

The following code example shows the full management pack containing the class extension.

<ManagementPack xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsl="" ContentReadable="true" SchemaVersion="1.1">
       <Reference Alias="System">
      <Reference Alias="Incident">
         <ClassType ID="IncidentManagmentPack.Extension" Accessibility="Public" Base="Incident!System.WorkItem.Incident" Hosted="false" Extension="true">
          <Property ID="TimeOnIncident" Type="int" Key="false" />

Importing a Management Pack by Using a PowerShell Cmdlet

You can use a PowerShell cmdlet to import an Service Manager management pack. If you have not yet added the Service Manager Powershell snapin, then you must do so first, before you can use any Service Manager cmdlet. The following script is typical:

Push-Location "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\Microsoft System Center\Service Manager 2010"
&"${env:windir}\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\installutil.exe" microsoft.enterprisemanagement.smcmdlets.dll
Add-PSSnapin smcmdletsnapin

You can then verify that the Service Manager cmdlets are available by running the Get-Command cmdlet and verifying that the Service Manager cmdlets are displayed.

To import a management pack, use the Import-SCSMManagementPack cmdlet, for example:

Import-SCSMManagementPack MyServiceManager.ManagementPack.xml

This document does not describe how to import and use management packs in the Service Manager console. For information about using management packs in the Service Manager console, see the “Using Management Packs” section of the System Center Service Manager Administrators Guide document included with the Service Manager documentation.

Example - Full Management Pack

The following code examples represent the full sample management pack used as examples in this topic, in addition to the form definition and the C# code-behind for the form.

Management Pack

<ManagementPack ContentReadable="true" SchemaVersion="1.1" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsl="">
    <Name>Projector Library</Name>
      <Reference Alias="SMConsole">
      <Reference Alias="Authoring">
      <Reference Alias="System">
      <Reference Alias="SMConfig">
        <ClassType ID="System.ConfigItem.Projector" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="System!System.ConfigItem" Hosted="false" Singleton="false" Extension="false">
          <Property ID="SerialNumber" Type="int" Key="true" />
          <Property ID="Make" Type="string" />
          <Property ID="Model" Type="string" />
          <Property ID="Location" Type="string" />
          <Property ID="Condition" Type="enum" EnumType="ProjectorCondition" />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition" Accessibility="Public" />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.Working" Accessibility="Public" Parent="ProjectorCondition" />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.BeingRepaired" Accessibility="Public" Parent="ProjectorCondition" />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.New" Accessibility="Public" Parent="ProjectorCondition" />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorCondition.Broken" Accessibility="Public" Parent="ProjectorCondition" />
        <EnumerationValue ID="ProjectorViewTasksEnumeration" Accessibility="Public" />
    <Category ID="AllProjectorsView.Category" Target="AllProjectorsView" Value="SMConsole!Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Console.ViewTasks" />
    <Category ID="ProjectorViewHasTasks.CreateTask" Target="AllProjectorsView" Value="Authoring!Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Authoring.CreateTypeCategory" />
    <Category ID="Projector.ProjectorConditionCategory" Target="ProjectorCondition" Value="Authoring!Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.UI.Authoring.EnumerationViewTasks" />
    <Category ID="Project.ProjectorConditionEnumVisibleCategory" Target="ProjectorCondition" Value="System!VisibleToUser" />
      <Form ID="TestForm" Accessibility="Public" Target="System.ConfigItem.Projector" Assembly="ProjectorFormsAssembly" TypeName="New_CI_lab.TestControl">
      <View ID="AllProjectorsView" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="System.ConfigItem.Projector" TypeID="SMConsole!GridViewType" Visible="true">
    <Adapter AdapterName="dataportal:EnterpriseManagementObjectAdapter">
    <Adapter AdapterName="viewframework://adapters/AdvancedList">
    <Adapter AdapterName="omsdk://Adapters/Criteria">
    <AdvancedListSupportClass DataTypeName="" AdapterName="viewframework://adapters/AdvancedList" FullUpdateAdapter="dataportal:EnterpriseManagementObjectAdapter" FullUpdateFrequency='1' DataSource="mom:ManagementGroup" 
  IsRecurring="true" RecurrenceFrequency="5000"  Streaming='true' xmlns="clr-namespace:Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ViewFramework;assembly=Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.ViewFramework" xmlns:av="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" >
                <QueryParameter Parameter="TargetClass" Value="System.ConfigItem.Projector"/>
    <Criteria />
<mux:ColumnCollection xmlns="" xmlns:mux="" xmlns:s="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib">
              <mux:Column Name="SerialNumber" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=SerialNumber}" Width="100" DisplayName="SerialNumber" Property="SerialNumber" DataType="s:Int32" />
              <mux:Column Name="Location" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Location}" Width="100" DisplayName="Location" Property="Location" DataType="s:String" />
              <mux:Column Name="Condition" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Condition.DisplayName}" Width="100" DisplayName="Condition" Property="Condition.DisplayName" DataType="s:String" />
              <mux:Column Name="DisplayName" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=DisplayName}" Width="100" DisplayName="Display Name" Property="DisplayName" DataType="s:String" />
              <mux:Column Name="OwnerUser" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=OwnerUser.DisplayName}" Width="100" DisplayName="SupportOwner" Property="OwnerUser.DisplayName" DataType="s:String" />
      <Folder ID="Folder.Projectors" Accessibility="Public" ParentFolder="SMConfig!ServiceManager.Console.ConfigurationManagement.ConfigItem.Root" />
      <FolderItem ElementID="AllProjectorsView" ID="FolderItem.AllProjectors" Folder="Folder.Projectors" />
      <ImageReference ElementID="Folder.Projectors" ImageID="SMConfig!ConfigItemImage16x16" />
      <ImageReference ElementID="AllProjectorsView" ImageID="SMConfig!ConfigItemImage16x16" />
    <LanguagePack ID="ENU" IsDefault="true">
    <DisplayString ElementID="System.ConfigItem.Projector">
        <DisplayString ElementID="Folder.Projectors">
          <Description>This is the Projector Folder</Description>
        <DisplayString ElementID="AllProjectorsView">
          <Name>All Projectors</Name>
          <Description>This displays all projectors</Description>
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.Working">
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.Broken">
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.BeingRepaired">
          <Name>In Repair</Name>
        <DisplayString ElementID="ProjectorCondition.New">
    <Assembly ID="ProjectorFormsAssembly" Accessibility="Public" FileName="New_CI_lab.dll" QualifiedName="New_CI_lab, Version=" />

Form Definition

    Width="574" Height="390" Opacity="1" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="d" Background="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.WindowBrushKey}}">
    <ObjectDataProvider ObjectType="{x:Type local:helper}"  MethodName="GetStatusValues" x:Key="getStatusValues" />
  <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
    <Label Margin="70,20,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Serial Number:"/>
    <TextBox Margin="180,20,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=SerialNumber, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
    <Label Margin="70,60,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Make:"/>
    <TextBox Margin="180,60,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=Make, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <Label Margin="70,100,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Model:"/>
    <TextBox Margin="180,100,0,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=Model, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
    <Label Margin="70,140,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Location:"/>
    <TextBox Margin="180,140,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" d:IsStaticText="True" Text="{Binding Path=Location, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <Label Margin="70,180,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" Content="Condition:"/>
    <ComboBox Margin="180,180,80,0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="160" Height="25" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource getStatusValues}, Mode=OneWay }" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
        <Binding Path="Condition" Mode="TwoWay" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"/>
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DisplayName}"/>

Form Code-Behind

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ServiceManager.Application.Common;
using Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.UI.DataModel;
namespace SMFormsDemo
   /// <summary>
   /// Interaction logic for ProjectorForm.xaml
   /// </summary>
   public partial class TestControl : UserControl
        public TestControl()
   public class helper
      public static ICollection<IDataItem> GetStatusValues()
            return ConsoleContextHelper.Instance.GetEnumerations("ProjectorCondition",true);

See Also


Changes to the System Center Common Schema
Forms: General Guidelines and Best Practices

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