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How to Configure Service Reporting for Windows Azure Pack and System Center


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Service Reporting, System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator

To configure Service Reporting you manually configure it to gather data from Operations Manager and Windows Azure Pack for Windows Server and to provide credentials that Service Reporting uses to connect to the data sources. You accomplish this by editing connection information and then running a Windows PowerShell® script, as explained in the procedures in this topic.

After initial configuration, you can later update user credentials for a changed password by running the script again and using the updated password.

If your Service Reporting data warehouse is hosted on a clustered or remote server that is running Microsoft SQL Server software, you must configure your Windows Azure Pack data source for the environment for each clustered node or remote server that is running SQL Server.

By default, Service Reporting is installed to InstallationDrive:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Service Reporting.


In the following procedure, you edit an XML file in the InstallationDrive:\Program Files folder. Windows File Protection helps protect this folder tree. Normally, you cannot manually edit and save files in the folder tree. You can, however, run an XML editor of your choice by using administrative credentials and then edit and save files in the folder tree. If you run your XML editor without using administrative credentials, you must save the edited file to a temporary location and then replace the original file by copying it to its original location.

To edit Service Reporting connection information for your Operations Manager and Windows Azure Pack data sources

  1. Start Windows Explorer and browse to InstallationDrive:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Service Reporting\Maintenance.

  2. Edit the MaintenanceConfig.xml file and update the section of the file that resembles <OperationsManagerSQLServers>Server1;Server2\SQLInstanceName</OperationsManagerSQLServers> to update the values for Server1 and SQLInstanceName by using the name of the server that is running SQL Server and the name of the SQL Server instance where your Operations Manager operational database is stored. If you have only one server that is running SQL Server in your environment, you can remove any references to other servers that are running SQL Server but are not used.

  3. Edit the section of the file that resembles <OperationsManagerDB>OMDB1;OMDB2</OperationsManagerDB> and update the value for OMDB1 by using the name of the Operations Manager operational database that is used in your environment. If you have only one Operations Manager operational database in your environment, you can remove the semicolon separator and any references to other databases.

  4. If you do not have servers that are running Windows Azure Pack in your environment, skip this step. If you do have servers that are running Windows Azure Pack in your environment, edit the section of the file that resembles <WAPUsageServiceURI></WAPUsageServiceURI> and replace the value of the URI with the URI that is used in your environment. Update the port number, if necessary.

  5. Save and close the file.

To add updated connection information and specify user credentials for Service Reporting

  1. On the server running the Windows Azure Pack Management Portal, open Windows PowerShell as an administrator and type Unprotect-MgmtSvcConfiguration UsageService.

  2. Navigate to InstallationDrive:\inetpub\MgmtSvc-Usage\ and open web.config, and then verify that the following entry exists in the file:

    <add key="Username" value="UsageClient" />

    If the entry does not exist, add it to the file.

  3. Type Set-MgmtSvcSetting -Namespace UsageService -Name Password -Value 'password' –Encode.

  4. On the server running Service Reporting, start Windows PowerShell as an administrator.

  5. Browse to the InstallationDrive:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Service Reporting\Maintenance folder. For example, type cd “c:\Program Files\Microsoft System Center 2012 R2\Service Reporting\Maintenance” and then press Enter.

  6. If you are not using Windows Azure Pack, skip this step. If you are using Windows Azure Pack, type .\PostDeploymentConfig.ps1 –User  UserName  -PasswordPassword and replace the UserName and Password values with the credentials that are used to connect to Windows Azure Pack. Then, press Enter.

    If the script is successful, it displays progress for Windows Azure Pack and Operations Manager registration, along with information about the data warehouse module. Exit Windows PowerShell.

  7. If you are not using Windows Azure Pack, type .\RegisterSystemCenterComponents.ps1 and then press Enter.

    If the script is successful, it displays progress for Operations Manager registration, along with information about the data warehouse module. Exit Windows PowerShell.

To configure your Windows Azure Pack data source for each clustered SQL Server node or remote server that is running SQL Server

  1. At each clustered SQL Server node or remote server that is running SQL Server where the Service Reporting data warehouse databases are installed, start Windows PowerShell as an administrator.

  2. Type \\RemoteComputerName\ServiceReporting\Maintenance\ PostDeploymentConfig.ps1 –User UserName -PasswordPassword and replace the UserName and Password values with the credentials that are used to connect to Windows Azure Pack. Then, press Enter.

See Also

Deploying Service Reporting
Service Reporting in System Center 2012 R2