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How to Deploy a Virtual Application Package for Testing


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 SP1 - Virtual Machine Manager, System Center 2012 R2 Virtual Machine Manager, System Center 2012 - Virtual Machine Manager


You should only use the Server App-V Cmdlets to manage packages in a test environment to ensure and test package functionality.

Deploying a virtual application package

  1. Open an elevated PowerShell console window and run the following command:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned –Scope Process -Force

    The Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet changes the user preference for the Windows PowerShell execution policy. The execution policy is part of the security strategy of Windows PowerShell. It determines whether you can load configuration files (including your Windows PowerShell profile) and run scripts, and it determines which scripts, if any, must be digitally signed before they will run.

  2. Import the Server App-V Cmdlets.

    PS C:\> Import-Module ServerAppVAgent

  3. Use the following information to customize the deployment configuration document associated with the virtual application package:


    If the package has associated Microsoft SQL Server components, those components should be deployed to the server running Microsoft SQL so the application runs successfully.

    • Open the deploymentconfig.xml by using an XML editor for example XML Notepad 2007 ( The deploymentconfig.xml is located in the root of the package folder on the computer that is running the Server App-V Agent.


    • Under each ENTRY, review the VALUE node data that requires customization. Typically, this is the name of a server or a missing or incorrect password. This data may stand-alone, or it may be part of a larger structure like a database connection string. You can use other information in the ENTRY node to understand where it came from and what it controls.

    • Update the VALUE node data with the appropriate customization. Do not change attributes on the VALUE node. Also, do not change anything else in the ENTRY node.

    • Save deploymentconfig.xml and close the XML editor.


      If the deployment configuration file contains sensitive information, such as passwords, you should save the file in a secure location.

  4. Add the package. Replace the bold sample parameters with data that is specific to your deployment.

    PS C:\> Add-ServerAppvPackage –Name MyApp –Manifest C:\MyApp\MyApp_manifest.xml

    –SFT C:\MyApp\MyApp.sft –Configuration C:\MApp\deploymentconfig.xml

  5. Start the package. Replace the bold sample parameters with data that is specific to your deployment.

    PS C:\> Start-ServerAppVPackage –Name MyApp

See Also

How to Sequence a New Server Application
How to Update an Existing Virtual Application Package
How to Edit an Existing Virtual Application Package
How to Perform Post-Sequencing Configuration
How to Save a Server Virtual Application Package