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How to Remove Audit Collection Services (ACS)


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

Each component of System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Audit Collection Services (ACS) has a separate procedure for removing it.

The ACS collector is removed by using the Audit Collection Services Collector Setup wizard. When you remove the ACS collector, the ACS database is not deleted. You delete the ACS database from within Microsoft SQL Server.

To delete the ACS database you must be a member of the SQL Admins group or have the right to delete a database delegated to you. You must also have read access to the ACS database. As a best practice for security, consider using Run as to perform this procedure.

Because service for the ACS forwarder is part of the Operations Manager agent, you can either disable service for the ACS forwarder and keep the Operations Manager agent or uninstall the agent from the computer. If you do not need to monitor the computer after it is removed from an ACS deployment, you should uninstall the Operations Manager agent. If you want to monitor other services or applications on the computer even though it is no longer acting as an ACS forwarder, you can disable service for the ACS forwarder.

To remove an ACS collector

  1. Insert the Operations Manager CD in the management server that you selected to be the ACS collector.

  2. On the root of the CD, double-click SetupOM.exe. In the Install section, click Audit collection services. The Audit Collection Services Collector Setup wizard starts.

  3. On the Welcome page click Next.

  4. On the ACS Collector Maintenance page, click Remove the ACS collector and then click Next.

  5. On the Summary page, the wizard lists the actions it performs to remove the ACS collector. Review the list and click Next.

  6. When the removal of the ACS collector is complete, click Finish.

To delete an ACS database

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to SQL Enterprise Manager, and click Query Analyzer.

  2. In the console tree, right-click the name of the ACS database that you want to remove, click Delete, and then click OK.

To disable ACS forwarders

  1. Log on to the computer with an account that has the rights of the Operations Manager Administrator Operator role. This account must also have the rights of a local administrator on each ACS forwarder.

  2. In the Operations console, click Monitoring.

  3. If you already have already created a state view for ACS, you can skip this step. Right-click in the Monitoring navigation pane, point to New, and then click State View.

  4. In Name, type a descriptive name, such as ACS Forwarders, and a short description in Description.

  5. If necessary, click the Criteria tab. In Show data related to, click Agent and then click OK.

  6. In the Actions pane, under Health Service Tasks, click Disable Audit Collection. The Run Task - Enable Audit Collection dialog box displays.

  7. In the Specify the credentials you want to run the task with section, click Other. In the User Name box, type the name of a user account that belongs to the local Administrators group on the agent computers. In the Password box, type the password for this user account. Click to expand the Domain drop-down list to view the available domains, and then click the domain of the user account.

  8. Click Run Task. The Task Status dialog box displays tracking the progress of the task.

  9. When the task completes successfully, click Close.