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All TechNet Magazine Columns

  • TechNet Update: Resource for the IT Professional
    - July 2006
    The complete Microsoft TechNet Program provides comprehensive tools and authoritative information to help IT professionals get the most out of Microsoft products and technologies. It’s where you turn for the latest security alerts, live discussions, virtual testing labs, free tools, and in-depth articles that allow you to be more responsive, more informed, and more effective.

  • TechNet Update: Tools from the TechNet Security Center
    Geof Wheelwright - May • June 2006
    You are probably all too aware that IT security is about much more than just installing a few key tools and applications and then keeping current with security updates. You not only have to keep your systems secure on a day-to-day basis by taking the right preventative measures and having the most appropriate security and management tools, but you also have to find ways to foresee future threats and implement strategies to combat them.

  • TechNet Update: Find Out How R2 Works for You
    Geof Wheelwright - March • April 2006
    When Microsoft rolls out new releases of fundamental products like Windows Server™ 2003, you want to take full advantage, but you also want to avoid the headaches that can come when you start making changes to a stable server platform that you know well.

  • TechNet Update: The SQL Server Ecosystem
    Graeme Bennett - January • February 2006
    It is fascinating to watch the ecosystem grow up around market-leading products. A walk through any computer hardware or software section highlights the fantastic variety of products built upon and for the Windows® platform.

  • TechNet Update: Advancements in SQL Server 2005
    TechNet Update - November • December 2005
    As a technology guy at Microsoft, I’m actually excited about this whole SQL Server™ 2005 and Visual Studio® 2005 thing. Now know that there will be plenty of fanfare associated with the release, but fanfare doesn’t help you when you’re in the server room at 2:00 AM trying to do a migration.

  • TechNet Update: Highlights From The Microsoft IT Community
    - Spring 2005
    The volume of desktop deployment information on the TechNet site can seem overwhelming, and at times it might be difficult to find exactly the information you need. Here we will point you to some of the most popular sites on TechNet, which should help in your search.

  • TechNet Update: New Benefits Deliver More Value to TechNet Plus Subscribers!
    - Winter 2005
    Microsoft is committed to delivering a comprehensive, centralized set of resources to help you solve technical problems, plan and deploy Microsoft technologies, and build your skills. To support this, the Microsoft TechNet Plus 2.