TechNet Magazine: February 2012
hh824704(v=msdn.10).md | Editor’s Note: Manage the Migration By Lafe Low Whatever your migration path, preparation and planning are equally as important as the actual migration itself. Migration has to start with a solid plan, a thorough assessment of the technology and the supporting processes, and solid execution. Microsoft has a handful of tools, processes and steps to ease the process. |
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Exchange Queue & A: Managing the migration process is always an issue. There are several ways to better streamline and control the process. Windows Confidential: The line between a power user and a full-on administrator is a thin line indeed. A power user is just an administrator who doesn't realize it yet. They're just a couple of simple steps away. |
Utility Spotlight: Microsoft Virtual PC gives you all the functionality you need to manage virtual machines, including running them in Windows XP mode. Windows PowerShell: Text-based reports can be dull and less informative, so why not use Windows PowerShell to generate HTML reports? |
Toolbox: This month's tools will help you verify e-mail messages sent via a messaging service, seamlessly integrate multiple monitors, and copy and paste plain text. Geek of All Trades: You can cheat a bit by updating WIMs offline with Windows Updates. Here's how. |