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Upgrading from the evaluation version to the retail version

Applies To: Forefront Client Security

For evaluation and testing purposes, you can download and install an evaluation version of Microsoft Forefront Client Security. Installing the evaluation version gives you the opportunity to determine how Client Security performs in your organization and to determine the best configuration of the Client Security environment. To continue using Client Security after the evaluation period ends, you must purchase the retail version and upgrade to it.

To determine if your current Client Security installation is an evaluation version, perform the following steps.

To determine if the Client Security installation is an evaluation version

  1. On the collection server, click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

  2. In the registry, browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\2.0\Setup

    In the details pane, find the InstalledServerSKU value and examine the Data column. If your installation is an evaluation version, the value in the Data column is Eval.


When upgrading, you must use the same language version as your evaluation installation. To change the installation language of Client Security, you must uninstall the evaluation version and then install a retail version in the appropriate language.

Before beginning the upgrade procedure, you must download the Microsoft Forefront Client Security Installation Tool ( The Windows Installer file (fcsupgradepackage.msi) creates the UpgradePackage folder in the Client Security installation folder, which, by default, is in the following location:

%\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security

The Windows Installer file copies the necessary files to this location.

Upgrading to the retail version of Client Security requires that the following three of the Client Security components be upgraded to the retail version:

  • Collection database server

  • Collection server

  • Management server

No other Client Security components need to be upgraded.

The upgrade procedure you follow depends upon whether your Client Security collection server and collection database server components are currently installed on the same physical server.

Upgrading when the collection database and collection server components reside on the same server

If your collection database and collection server components are currently on the same physical server, follow the procedures in this section. Generally, installations that use this configuration include one-server, two-server, three-server, and four-server topologies.

First, perform the following procedure on the server that hosts the collection database and collection server components.

To upgrade the Client Security collection database and collection server components

  1. Click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    Msiexec /i filelocation \ FCScs-kb-939366-x86-enu.msi /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

    where filelocation is the path to FCScs-kb-939366-x86-enu.msi.

  2. Click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    Msiexec /i sourcefilelocation \server\momserver.msi

    where sourcefilelocation is the location of the retail Client Security installation files.

  3. In the Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) 2005 Server Upgrade wizard, accept all default settings, and then complete the wizard.

  4. When the wizard is complete, click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    sourcefilelocation \server\Q913801.msp

    where sourcefilelocation is the location of the retail Client Security installation files.

Next, perform the following steps on the management server.

To upgrade the Client Security management server components

  1. From the UpgradePackage folder, copy FCSInstall.exe to a folder on the management server.

  2. In the retail version of the Client Security installation files, in the Server folder, copy fcsms.msi to the folder where FCSInstall.exe is located, which is, by default, the following location:

    %\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\UpgradePackage

  3. At the Command Prompt, type the following command:

    cd \Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\UpgradePackage

  4. At the Command Prompt, type the following command:

    FCSInstall.exe fcsms.msi

    This command runs in silent mode and produces no output.

Upgrading when the collection database and the collection server components reside on separate servers

If your collection database and collection server components are currently on different physical servers, follow the procedures in this section. Generally, installations that use this configuration include five-server and six-server topologies.

First, perform the following steps on the collection database server.

To upgrade the Client Security components on the collection database server

  1. Click Start, select Run, and then type the following command:

    Msiexec /i sourcefilelocation \server\momserver.msi

    where sourcefilelocation is the location of the retail Client Security installation files.

  2. In the MOM 2005 Server Upgrade wizard, accept all default settings, and then complete the wizard.

Next, perform the following steps on the collection server.

To upgrade the Client Security components on the collection server

  1. Click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    Msiexec /i filelocation \ FCScs-kb-939366-x86-enu.msi /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress

    where filelocation is the path to FCScs-kb-939366-x86-enu.msi.

  2. Click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    Msiexec /i sourcefilelocation \server\momserver.msi

    where sourcefilelocation is the location of the retail Client Security installation files.

  3. In the MOM 2005 Server Upgrade wizard, accept all default settings, and then complete the wizard.

  4. When the wizard is complete, click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    sourcefilelocation \server\Q913801.msp

    where sourcefilelocation is the location of the retail Client Security installation files.

Lastly, perform the following steps on the management server.

To upgrade the Client Security components on the management server

  1. From the UpgradePackage folder, copy FCSInstall.exe to a folder on the management server.

  2. In the retail version of the Client Security installation files, in the Server folder, copy fcsms.msi to the folder where FCSInstall.exe is located, which is, by default, the following location:

    %\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\UpgradePackage

  3. Click Start, click Run, and then type the following command:

    Msiexec /i sourcefilelocation \server\momserver.msi

    where sourcefilelocation is the location of the Client Security installation files.

  4. In the MOM 2005 Server Upgrade wizard, accept all default settings, and then complete the wizard.

  5. When the wizard is complete, at a command prompt, type the following command:

    cd\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront\Client Security\UpgradePackage

  6. At a command prompt, type the following command:

    FCSInstall.exe fcsms.msi

    This command runs in silent mode and produces no output.