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Event Source Descriptions

Event Source Descriptions

The following table briefly describes each event source as defined by the Speech Server (MSS) logging infrastructure.

Note  Event sources correspond used by the /COMPONENT argument in the MSSLogConfig tool.

Event Source



Telephony Application Services (TAS)

The MSS component that generates and manages instances of the SALT interpreter that reads HTML, SALT, and script in speech-enabled Web applications.

Events related to these operations, for example, all events derived from SaltInterpreterEvent.

Speech Engine Services (SES)

The MSS component that processes audio (speech) streams. Interprets incoming speech from a user, produces outgoing speech streams to the user.

Events related to speech processing, for example, EngineEvent.

Telephony Interface Manager (TIM)

A separate component that enables the hardware telephony board to communicate with MSS.

All events derived from TIMEvent.

SALT application

The application itself; events are raised from script by the MSS platform, and can be scripted by the SALT developer.

All events derived from ApplicationScriptEvent.

Speech Controls

The runtime controls in the deployed application, hosted by a Web server.

For the most part, speech control events are encapsulated in QASummary. However all events raised by the SALT application can also be raised by Speech Controls. This may be useful in some advanced debugging scenarios.

See Also

Logging and Analyzing Events | Event Filters | Event Sinks | Filtering Logged Events