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Analyzing Logged Data

Analyzing Logged Data

Using tools provided with Microsoft Speech Server (MSS), administrators can view errors, events, and performance data generated by the MSS event logging infrastructure.

For example, use Event Viewer to view general administrative events, and view details about error messages through the MSSLogToText tool. In addition, administrators can use the Speech Application Log Analysis Tools to extract and analyze the event trace data.

This section contains:

Speech Application Log Analysis Tools

More robust log analysis is provided with the Microsoft Speech Application Log Analysis Tools. These tools use Microsoft SQL Server to import log file data, providing the ability to obtain specific and detailed results based on SQL queries. To install these tools, run the Setup.exe located in the Redistributable Installers directory of the Speech Application SDK (SASDK) Version 1.1 installation CD.


Detailed Trace event data can be gathered through the logging options. (See Configuring Logging Options.) Use the log configuration tool, MSSLogConfig, to define the set of events to be gathered in a Trace session. For more information about MSSLogConfig, see Filtering Logged Events.

For more information about the tools in this section, refer to the Speech Application Log Analysis Tools documentation, available from the Redistributable Installers directory of the SASDK Version 1.1 installation CD.

See Also

Understanding Speech Server Events