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Event Logs


Applies to: Forefront Server Security Management Console

The Event Logs section of the Navigation Area lets you review the various logs maintained by the Forefront Server Security Management Console. These logs include:


The log of all alerts sent by the FSSMC. For more information, see Alerts Log.


The log of all Deployment job activity. For more information, see Notification Logs.

General Options

The log of all General Options job activity. For more information, see Notification Logs.

Log Retrieval

The log of all Log Retrieval job activity. For more information, see Notification Logs.

Manual Scan

The log of all Manual Scan job activity. For more information, see Notification Logs.


The log of all Signature Redistribution activity. For more information, see Notification Logs.

Alerts Log

To see the alerts log, click Alert Log under Event Logs. The Alert Log work pane appears, displaying all the alerts sent by the FSSMC. It shows the host name, the date and time, and the message.

To limit the display to a specific host, select it in the Host Name field. To see all items, select All in the Host Name field.

To navigate through multiple pages of alerts, use the < and > buttons.

To clear all the alerts in the log, click Purge. The Purge Alerts work pane appears. Click Confirm to delete the alerts.

Notification Logs

To see one of the notification logs, click Notification Logs under Event Logs. The Deployment Logs work pane appears. Select the type of log that you would like to see, using the list in the Job Type field. The choices are: Deployment (the default), General Options, Log Retrieval, Manual Scan, New Servers Discovery, Product Activation, and Redistribution.

As soon as you select a job type, the log information is displayed in the lower portion of the work pane. It shows the host name, the date and time, the job name, and the message.

You can limit the display to a specific Job Name or Host Name. (The default for each field is All items.) Select a specific job name or host name (or both) from the associated lists, and then click Apply Filters to see only the data corresponding to your choice. Filtering only eliminates items from the data display; it does not delete any data. To see all the items again, select All in the Job Name or Host Name field (or both) and click Apply Filters.

To navigate through multiple pages of notifications, use the < and > buttons.

To clear all the notification log items in the selected job type, click Purge. The Delete Notifications work pane appears. Click Confirm to delete the notifications.