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Giving a User Site Collection Administrator Rights (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0)

You can give site collection administrator rights to any user that has interacted with the site by using the Site Settings page or the command line for Windows SharePoint Services. To perform this task, you must be a site collection administrator, member of the SharePoint administrators group, or a member of the server's local administrators group.


Additionally, you can get a list of the command-line operations by typing stsadm.exe -help on the command line. Syntax help for specific operations is available by typing stsadm.exe -helpoperation_name.

Make a user a site collection administrator by using the HTML administration pages

  1. On a site in the site collection that has the user to whom you want to give site collection administrator rights, click Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in the Manage My Information section, click View information about site users.

  3. Click the name of the user to whom you want to give site collection administrator rights.


    The User Information page displays all users who have interacted with the site. If you don't see the desired user, ask the user to interact with the site, for example, by creating a new item in a list and then deleting it. After doing so, the user's name should appear on the User Information page.

  4. Click Edit User Information.

  5. Select the Site collection administrator check box.

  6. Click Save and Close.

Give a user site collection administrator rights by using Stsadm.exe

  1. Determine the URL for the site and the user name, e-mail address, current site group, and display name of the user you want to give site collection administrator rights to.

  2. On the server running Windows SharePoint Services, open a command prompt.

  3. Change to the directory containing Stsadm.exe by using the cd command. For example, using the default path, the command would be:

    cd c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\Web server extensions\60\bin
  4. Type the following, replacing the italicized text with the correct information:

    stsadm.exe -o adduser -url URL -userlogin DOMAIN\User_Name -useremail -role Site_Group_Name -username "User's Display Name" -siteadmin

    Retain the quotation marks around the user's display name.

Command-Line Parameters for the adduser operation

Required parameters Optional parameters







See Also


Changing Site Collection Owners (Windows SharePoint Services 2.0)