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Securing Windows 2000 Server

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Appendix B: Registry Access Control Changes

Published: November 17, 2004 | Updated : May 31, 2006

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The default permissions, also called access control lists (ACLs), applied to the registry in Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server are much more secure than those that appear in Microsoft Windows NT® version 4.0, but they can be tightened even more without significantly increasing the risk of application compatibility issues arising. The Member Server Baseline Policy (MSBP) does not change the registry ACLs defined in hisecws.inf. These ACLs reduce the level of access that unauthenticated users, Standard Users, and Power Users have to the registry. These changes make it much more difficult for an attacker who has anything less than administrative privileges to make any undesirable changes to the registry.

Important You should perform careful testing in your environment before you make any changes to the existing ACLs.

The ACLs defined in hisecws.inf mainly change the Power Users group, which is created by default for backward compatibility with Windows NT 4.0-based environments. The template ensures that the Power Users group has the same permissions as the Users group in Windows 2000.

Note The Power Users group is not defined in the domain controllers.

Table B.1  Registry Access Control Changes


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