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Hosted Live Communications Web Service

This section describes public methods of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace that are exposed in the Web Service. The methods exposed in the Web Service map directly to Hosted Live Communications named procedures.

Hosted Live Communications Web Services provides you with an easy way to integrate Hosted Live Communications provisioning functionality into .NET applications.

In this section, the following Web methods of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace are described:

Public Methods

Public Method Description

Hosted Live Communications::EnableUser

The EnableUser Web method of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace enables a user for Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005.

Hosted Live Communications::DisableUser

The DisableUser Web method of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace disables a user for Live Communications Server 2005.

Hosted Live Communications::ChangeUserPlan

The ChangeUserPlan Web method of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace changes a user's Live Communications Server 2005 plan.

Hosted Live Communications::GetUserProperties

The GetUserProperties Web method of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace gets a user's Live Communications Server 2005 properties.

Hosted Live Communications::EnableOrganizationUsers

The EnableOrganizationUsers Web method of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace enables all users for Live Communications Server 2005 in a specified organization.

Hosted Live Communications::DisableOrganizationUsers

The DisableOrganizationUsers Web method of the Hosted Live Communications Namespace disables Live Communications Server 2005 for all users in a specified organization.

Applies To

Web Services API for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0