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To ease the debugging process, you can provide a switch in the Web.config file that instructs the Web Service to write out all MPS requests (input) and MPS responses (output) to a specified directory.

The Web.config file contains two keys in the <appSettings/> node that apply:

  • WriteDebug - This key has a value of either true or false. Setting it to true causes the Web Service to write the incoming MPF requests and outgoing responses to the file system at the location specified by the second key.

  • DebugFilePath - This key must point to a valid (pre-existing) directory on the local machine, such as c:\Debug. If an invalid or non-existent path is supplied and WriteDebug is set to true, an exception will be thrown.

Typical settings in the Web.config file are as follows:

                <add key="WriteDebug" value="true" /> 
                <add key="DebugFilePath" value="C:\Debug\" /> 