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Customizing IAG event messages

Applies To: Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG)

Configuring the message filter

Whale Communications Intelligent Application Gateway (IAG) 2007 issues three type of messages: Information; Warning; and Error. You can set a message filter to specify what types of messages should be displayed, and where they can be viewed, as follows:

To configure message filtering

  1. In the IAG Configuration console, click Filter on the Messages menu.

  2. Specify whether messages should be displayed in the message pane of the Configuration or Service Policy Manager consoles, in the Windows Event Viewer, or in both locations.


To clear messages displayed in IAG consoles, in the console, select Messages, and then click Clear Messages on the message pane of the console.

Customizing event messages

IAG event messages are defined in an XML file. In order to edit it, you need to have a working knowledge of XML technology. This topic describes how to customize IAG event messages, as follows:

  • Edit the default message definitions file, and create additional custom messages.

  • Configure the page from which you want to send custom messages, or event messages from custom interfaces.

Customizing IAG event messages in the message definitions file

Customize IAG event messages as follows.

To configure messages in the message definitions file

  1. Access the following CustomUpdate folder; if it does not exist, create it:


  2. Copy the file MessageDefinition.xml from this folder:


    Place it in the CustomUpdate folder you accessed in step 1. If such a file already exists in the custom folder, use the existing file.

  3. In the MessageDefinition.xml file, change the existing messages or configure additional messages, as required. For a description of this file, see About the IAG Configuration console.


    If you add new messages to the file, or if you wish to send messages from custom scripts, you also need to configure the functions that will send the messages, as described later in this topic in "Configuring pages from which you want to send messages".

  4. When you finish editing the file, on the IAG server, access the Configuration program. Click the Activate button to activate the configuration, select the option Apply changes made to external configuration settings, and click Activate.

    Once the configuration is activated, the messages you configured here are reported to the applicable reporter or reporters.

Configuring the pages from which you want to send messages

By default, all the applicable IAG interfaces are configured to send the relevant event message when required. If, however, you configure custom messages in the message definitions file, or if you wish to send messages from custom interfaces, such as a custom Login script, in order to send the message, you need to configure the page where you wish to send the message, as described in this section.

To configure the message interface

  1. In the page from where you wish to send the message, add the following function:

    SetMessage < Message_ID >,< Optional_param_list >


    • < Message_ID > is the unique message ID defined in the message definitions file, in the <Id> element.

    • < Optional_param_list > holds the definition of message parameters, as follows:

      If no parameters are defined in the message: null

      If the message contains one or more parameters:


      Where <message_param> is the parameter you define in the message definitions file, in the <Param> element.

  2. If the message contains one or more parameters, for each parameter, you need to create an object in the file, where the name of the parameter is identical to the name you use in the function you define in step 1.


    You can see a sample function call in the following section:


  3. If you are adding the function to your own page, such as your own login page, you need to include the following file in the page:
