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Provisioning Schema::errorContext

Element that encapsulates an error stack for one or more errors returned by a response to a request. This element is part of the provisioning schema of Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF).

Whenever a provisioning engine receives an error, it generates an errorContext node and returns it to either the calling procedure or (for try-catch blocks) to the procedures in the catch node. How the engine constructs the errorContext node depends on the error format.

  • If the error is a text string, the engine simply assigns the string to /errorContext/@description.

  • If the error is XML, the engine parses the code to extract the error description, then assigns this string to /errorContext/@description. It then executes an XSL transformation to translate the error nodes to corresponding child nodes of errorContext.


Input Argument Description

Provisioning Schema::errorDescription

(minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1")

Provisioning Schema::errorSource

(minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="*")


Required. Hexadecimal value of the error code.


Required. Error message string.


No remarks.

Sample Code

Example XML Request

Text error:

<!-- Non-XML error --> 
Server not available.

<!-- Transformation performed by provisioning engine --> 
<errorContext description='Server not available.'/>

XML error:

<!-- Original XML error --> 
<errorDescription description='Server not available.'> 

<!-- Transformation performed by provisioning engine --> 
<errorContext description='Server not available.'> 

Applies To

Provisioning Schema; Provisioning Schema::context; Provisioning Schema::response

See also


Provisioning Schema::context
Provisioning Schema::response
Provisioning Schema::errorDescription
Provisioning Schema::errorSource