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Managed Office Communications Server::GetSharedPools

This procedure retrieves pools from the shared pools list.


Input argument Required Type Description




The domain controller to use for Active Directory actions.




The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool being added to the list of shared pools.




The tag name representing the pool.




The status of the Shared pool. It could be "Available" or "Unavailable". This is case-insensitive.

Output argument Type Description


Container name of all returned pools.


Container name of a returned pool.



The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool being added to the list of shared pools.



The tag name representing the pool.



The status of the Shared pool. It could be "Available" or "Unavailable". This is case-insensitive.



The distinguished name of the pool.



The caller must be at least a member of role: Domain Administrator

Permission Check

This procedure will perform a test for Domain Administrator.

Business Rules

Only return pools that meet the specific pool Tag/status if a filter is specified within the request.

Sequence Narrative

  1. Actor submits GetSharedPools request to the Managed Office Communications Server namespace.

  2. If poolFQDN is supplied, calls Managed Helper::GetServicePointer_ to retrieve the pool.

  3. If poolFQDN is not supplied, calls Managed Helpers::QueryServicePointers_ to retrieve all Shared Pools.

  4. For each of the pools, calls the Managed Helpers::GetServicePointer_ to retrieve the pool's properties, on if either poolTag or poolStatus is supplied, and poolFQDN is not supplied. If a pool's status and its tag match the input, put the pool into procedure data.

  5. For each of the pools in procedure data, retrieve the pool's DN by calling procedure GetPoolProperties which throws an error if the FQDN cannot be resolved. Then the pool will be added into the returned data.

Sample Code

Example XML Request

    <!--The preferred domain controller for Active Directory operations.--> 
    <!--The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool being added to the list of shared pools.--> 
    <!--The tag name representing the pool.--> 
    <!--The status of the Shared pool. It could be 'Available' or 'Unavailable'. This parameter is case-insensitive.--> 
    <execute namespace="Managed Office Communications Server" procedure="GetSharedPools" impersonate="1"> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="preferredDomainController" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="poolFQDN" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="poolTag" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="poolStatus" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <after source="executeData" destination="data" mode="merge" /> 

Example XML Response

    <!--Container name of all returned pools.--> 
      <!--Container name of a returned pool.--> 
        <!--The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the pool being added to the list of shared pools.--> 
        <!--The tag name representing the pool.--> 
        <!--The status of the Shared pool. It could be 'Available' or 'Unavailable'. This parameter is case-insensitive.--> 
        <!--The distinguished name of the pool.--> 
        <poolDN>CN=LC Services,CN=Microsoft,CN=Pool,CN=Pools,CN=RTC Service,CN=Microsoft,CN=System,DC=fabrikam,DC=com</poolDN> 

Applies To

Managed Office Communications Server Namespace API for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

See also


Managed Office Communications Server::AddSharedPool
Managed Office Communications Server::RemoveSharedPool
Managed Office Communications Server::DeleteSharedPool
Managed Office Communications Server::SetSharedPoolProperties