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DNS Provider::GetResourceRecord

The GetResourceRecord procedure allows you to return all data from a requested resource record as a tree of properties.


Before using this procedure, security must be carfully considered. For detailed information about MPS DNS provider security, see DNS Provider Architecture.


Input argument Required Description



A string containing the dotted-quad IP address or the Fully Qualified Domain Nname (FQDN) of the server.



Optional authentication credentials for the target DNS server.



A string containing the FQDN of the zone.



A string containing the resource record type.



A string containing the name of the resource record to be modified. If more than one record with this type/name combination exists, additional information must exist in the property tree to distinguish the record to be changed. If no distinguishing information is supplied, or not enough information is supplied to either make the target unique or to select all targets with the same name, the operation FAILS. It is normal, for example, for a multiple-home computer to have several A records with the same name.



A string to control tracing and other debugging functionality. Values are:

  • Logging = { HIGH | MEDIUM | LOW }

  • Check-only = { ON | OFF }



Properties vary by resource record type. Refer to DNS WMI Provider in the DNS SDK on MSDN for the properties required as input parameters to the GetResourceRecord method (see "Online Links").

Output argument Description


A string containing a success/failure indication, any error messages, and input parameter validity flags.


Resource record data.


No remarks.

Sample Code

Example XML Request

Following is an example of an XML request for the GetResourceRecord method of the DNS Provider:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> 
               <debugLevel logging="high" check-only="on"/> 
               <execute namespace="DNS Provider" procedure="GetResourceRecord"> 
                  <before source="data" destination="executeData" mode="merge"/> 
                    <before source="executeData" destination="data" mode="insert"/> 

Example XML Response

Following is an example of an XML response for the GetResourceRecord method of the DNS Provider:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> 
                      <property name="ipAddress"></property> 
                        <property name="rrType">MX</property> 
                       <property name="rrName">mail</property> 

Applies To

DNS Provider API for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0

  • Windows-based Hosting version 4.5

  • Windows-based Hosting version 4.0

  • Windows-based Hosting version 3.5

  • Windows-based Hosting for Applications version 1.0

See also


DNS Provider::CreateResourceRecord
DNS Provider::ModifyResourceRecord
DNS Provider::DeleteResourceRecord