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Exchange Resource Manager::RemoveExchangeResources

This procedure removes public store and mail store resources from Exchange Resource Manager. This call is restricted to Domain Admins.


Input argument Required Description





True if credentials will be included in the xml request.



Defines public store resources to remove from the resource pool. Note that this property can be passed in as null if you aren't removing public stores. This property is passed in as an XML fragment string in the following format (one or more publicStore nodes should be included in the fragment):




Defines mail store resources to remove from the resource pool. Note that this property can be passed in as null if you aren't removing mail stores. This property is passed in as an XML fragment string in the following format (one or more mailStore nodes should be included in the fragment):

        <mailStoreName>Mailbox Store (RAVEN1)</mailStoreName> 
        <mailStoreName>Mailbox Store 2 (RAVEN1)</mailStoreName> 
        <mailStoreName>Mailbox Store 3 (RAVEN1)</mailStoreName> 


Method Syntax

public string RemoveExchangeResources( 
string preferredDomainController, 
string publicStoresXMLString,  
string mailStoresXmlString, 
bool sendCredentials) 

Sample Code

Example XML Request

No example XML request.

Example XML Response

MPS XML response in string format; shown for format only, content may vary:


Typical C# Usage

//Get user name and password.                            
        string userName = this.Request.ServerVariables.Get("AUTH_USER"); 
        string pass = this.Request.ServerVariables.Get("AUTH_PASSWORD"); 
        //Set credentials. 
        ExchRM.PreAuthenticate = true; 
        ExchRM.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName,pass); 
        lblMsg.InnerHtml = mpsResponseHeaderLabel; 
        //Display response. 
        this.mpsResponse.DocumentSource = ""; 
        response = ExchRM.RemoveExchangeResources(publicStoresXMLString, publicStoresXMLString, mailStoresXmlString, sendCredentials); 
// set the response XML to match the return from MPF 
        this.mpsResponse.Document = responseXml; 
   lblDone.InnerText = successMsg; 

Applies To

Web Services API for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 3.0

See also


Exchange Resource Manager::AddExchangeResources
Exchange Resource Manager::ModifyExchangeResources