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Exchange 2007 Provider::MailDisableGroup

This method Mail-disables an existing group by removing the Exchange attributes of the contact.


Input Arguments Required Description



The domain controller to use for Active Directory actions.



The Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) path of an existing universal group.


The owning organization dn is retrieved from the group's otherWellKnowObjects attribute.

The dn of the organization's global address list (GAL) is retrieved from otherWellKnownObjects on the organization object and the entry matching that GAL is removed from the showInAddressBook property of the contact. This process is repeated for the organization's address list (AL).

This method removes the organization from the otherWellKnownObjects of the group.


The caller must be at least a member of role: UserCreators.

Sample Code

Example XML Request

    <!--The domain controller to use for Active Directory actions.--> 
    <!--The LDAP path of an existing universal group.--> 
    <execute namespace="Exchange 2007 Provider" procedure="MailDisableGroup" impersonate="1"> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="preferredDomainController" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="path" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <after source="executeData" destination="data" mode="merge" /> 

Applies To

Exchange 2007 Provider Namespace for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

See also


Hosted Email 2007::MailEnableGroup
Hosted Email 2007::ModifyDistributionList
Hosted Email 2007::CreateDistributionList
Hosted Email 2007::DeleteDistributionList